Chapter #26

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***Might get a little PG-13/RATED R..Sorry...not sorry....I lied, I actually am kind of sorry...Not that bad though...I think...just read LMAOO >.<***

Riley pov

"Here you go ladies." Ben says putting Heather and I's drinks on the table. "Thanks, hon." I said giving him a smile. He kissed me on the forehead and walk back over to the bar. Heather sighed as I took a sip of my drink. "Where the hell is Hailey?" Before I could say anything, Hailey came running, pushing the twins in their stroller. "I'm here! I'm here! I'm here!" she yelled. She huffed sitting down, and I could tell she was tired. Especially because the twins were fast asleep in the middle of the day. Heather frowned at her, attempting to fix her hair. "You look horrible, honey." 

Hailey slapped her hand away and fixed her own hair. "I've been out all day. Left this morning to take the twins to the doctors, I had to pick up Danny's medicine for his leg, then I got a call that something went wrong with my stocking at the store, so I had to go handle that. I've just been running around all day."

"Can we get this girl a drink please?" I yell over to Ben. He winks at me. "Coming right up." 

"Have you gotten any time with Sean?" Heather asked her. "You have been dating a month but surprisingly none of us have seem him around." Her lips instantly turn into a smile. "Ohh Sean and are great." That smile turns upside down. "Only problem is we've been busy with our lives. We have our kids, or jobs, when we see each other our tongues are usually doing most of the talking." She smiles again, "But I am definetly not complaining about that."

I rolled my eyes, while Heather squealed in excitement. 

Apparently she's the friend who agrees with this Sean guy. Honestly, I'm not a big fan. I think we all know Hailey is not over Danny, and I think it's really rude of him that he's leading her on anyways. I mean, Danny is basically still living with her. They see each other 24/7, yet that doesn't seem to bother Sean. Why would he get involved with a girl who can't get away from her ex and doesn't know she can't get away. Hailey is being what I call in-denial and Heather is being her "friend" and supporting her in everything she does, when she also knows Danny and Hailey aren't over. I mean don't you?

"Even though we haven't been spending that much time together, I've been thinking a lot and I really like the guy. He really makes me happy and I think I want to take it to the next step."

The both of us just look at her for a second not understanding. "The next step? What does that mean?" I ask.

"Sex you slow pokes. I want to have sex!" 

"Oh my." Heather leaned back in her chair. Hailey nodded, looking so sure of herself.

"Well Tucker and I we have connections to this amzing hotel down town, we could get you a room for a night."

Hailey's eyes widen. "Seriously?"

I couldn't help but laugh, picking up my drink. "What?" she asked as I take a sip. I put my cup down. "Hailey, you don't want to have sex with Sean. Trust me.

She scoffed. "Excuse me?"

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