Chapter #21

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Hey!! I was just like to say thank you to the people who gave me very good story ideas! I picked dterzi9's That 70s Show idea and alpha-beta-omegas on a fan fiction for Raising Hope, so please look out for those books really soon! I thank everyone who did give me an idea, and don't be afraid to give me more. I like to be occupied so the more the books the better. This chapter will be dedicated to AzolaHaarmans

Now to the book, enjoy!

Hailey pov

I pace back and forth trying to calm down. When he gets back we can just have an adult discussion about this. There's no reason to scream and fight, it won't solve anything, we'll just blow up on each other like we've been doing for the past month.

The apartment door opens and I turn around to see a stumbling Danny. "Oh my God, please do not tell me-"

"Yep, I'm drunk."

"So what?" I ask with my hands on my hips. "You tell me you're gonna come back home, were gonna take the twins to the zoo. But instead you end your day of hockey conferences, and decide to take the guys to the bar, you get drunk and don't even bother to call and now we're here."

He nods, running his fingers through his hair, while stumbling a little bit. "Sounds about right."

I scoff and he rolls his eyes, like I'm annoying him. "And you're mad."

"Danny I'm pissed at the simple fact, for the past month you keep making commitments only to break them. You're gone all day. You don't call-"

"Because I'm busy!" he yells, interrupting me. His eyes suddenly full of anger. "I have hockey practices, conferences, interviews. Okay? I'm providing for this family yet your complaining."

"Because its like hockey is taking over your life. And don't act like, I don't provide Danny."

He scoffs, sitting in the couch. "Right the store you call a business."

At that point I was pissed, just because he was drunk didn't mean he had to be a douche bag. "You know what Danny screw you."

He stands up pointing at himself. "Screw me?"

"Yeah, screw you because when I am not as my very successful business, I'm at home taking care of our kids who you have seem to forgotten about. I mean, when is the last time you spend time with them?"

He shrugs, "Hailey they're babies, they won't even remember if I was around or not."

"But I will!" I shout. "Danny I will. And you will too. That should bother you!"

He rubs his eyes. "Look I don't feel like talking about this." He walks past me, making his way to our room.

"Fine, then until we talk about this you sleep in the couch." I say crossing my arms over my chest.

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