Chapter #13

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Tucker and Heather, since I do usually get into their relationship that much. So hope you enjoy. Ian and Isabella above <3


Tucker pov

"Alright, I brought Rush Hour, White Chicks, Save the Last Dance, and Hocus Pocus." Heather says sitting on the couch in the living room with DVDs in her hand. I was in the kitchen grabbing two beers out of the fridge.

"Hocus Pocus, for sure." I reply grabbing the bowl of popcorn off the counter. "I was thinking the same thing." she says already opening the DVD case and popping the disk into the DVD player.

I walk into the living room and sit beside her. I set our beers down and sit back with the bowl of popcorn in my lap as she starts the movie.

She sits back, and I put arm around her, pulling her close to me. I eat some popcorn, as we quietly watch the previews start.

After, a few seconds I notice she starts to fidget and glance at me from time to time. I look at her. "You okay?" She nods. "Yeah, I'm perfect."

I smile and give her a kiss on the head. She smiles and we look back at the TV. "It's just." she breaks the silence. I slowly glance at her. Am I in trouble?

"We've been dating for a minute now." she says. I nod, gesturing her to go on. "We're getting pretty serious."

I nod, thinking about the past few months. "If sleeping together, going on dates, sleeping at each other's places counts then yeah we're pretty serious."

She nods, and takes the popcorn off my lap, putting it on the coffee table. She puts her hand on mine. "I think it's time you meet my family."

I just nod, slightly processing what she said. "Um, okay. How about no?"

"No?" she repeats taken aback. "No? Why no?"

"Baby." I say.  "I like the way things are-" she interrupts me "And so do I. Which is why you should meet my parents."

I shake my head. "Meeting your parents will just complicate everything."

She stands up, looking a little angry. She puts her hands on her hips. "Change what exactly?"

"How calm and chill things are now." I stand up. "Once I meet the parents, that's basically saying 'we have a future together and we're probably going to get married.'"

She scoffs at me and I realize I probably worded that the wrong way. "So are you saying we don't have a future, Tucker?" she asks me.

"I'm not saying that." I say calmly trying to figure out how to explain what I'm saying. "Well, that's what it sounds like your saying. I mean, if we don't have a future why are we even here?" she raised her eyebrows.

"Okay, your taking this way to far and putting words in my mouth." I get defensive. "I'm putting words in your mouth? I'm just repeating what your saying. Any body, would think your basically saying we don't have a future."

"Anyone?" I say getting an idea. "Anyone." she shrugs. "Fine." I walk to the door. "Let's go ask Danny and Hailey." I walk out of the apartment. "Fine." She walks after me.

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