Chapter #12

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A/N: The pictures above shows Riley's wedding dress, next is the guys tuxes, the lavender dresses are the bridesmaids (Heather, Hailey, and Ms Wheeler who is walking down the aisle with Brad. The first picture on the bottom is Ben's wedding ring, then Emma's outfit, then lastly Riley's wedding ring. The pregnancy process will actually be a process like a birth in real life, so it'll be a little drawn out. And I don't know the order of the wedding, like what they say (because I've never been married and I barely go to weddings) so bare with me. But I'm pretty sure you'll get the point. ...Now to the story!


Hailey pov

"Alright you're all done." Bonnie turns the chair I was sitting in around, to face the mirror. I smile, touching my side bun she just put in. It kind of got ruined trying to squeeze on my lavender bridesmaids dress. I definitely wasn't the same size I was when I bought the dress but we got it on. "Good as new right?" she says touching it up. I look at her. "You could be a hairdresser." She gasps. "You're right. Thank you for that idea." I smirk, holding my arm out and she helps me up. "You look so beautiful!" she says as Heather comes inside the room wearing her lavender bridesmaids dress too with silver heels like Bonnie. She was holding a dressed up and adorable Emma who was holding her flower basket. "Really?" I look down at my stomach. "I feel fat, and like this outfit would look times better if I was wearing heels like you guys. Not flats."

Heather chuckles. "Well, you can't see your feet so you don't have to worry about how horrible you think the shoes look." I smile, nodding. "That is so true." 

"Okay girls!" Ms. Perrin comes from the back where the dressing room is. We all pay attention to her, and she smiles proudly. "I am proud to present the bride, the almost Mrs. Wheeler." She steps aside, and Riley comes out holding her dress up, exposing her white lace heels. She drops her dress back down, as her Mom fiddles with her veil. "How do I look?" she turned red, probably from all of us looking at her.

"You look so beautiful." Bonnie compliments and I nod, wanting to cry but holding it in. "I'm so happy for you, Riles." I say. We hear sniffling, and we all look at Heather who's eyes are red. "Honey, are you crying?" Bonnie rubs her back. She shakes her head. "No, I've got dust in my eye." She wipes her eyes and Riley smiles, looking a little emotional too. "I still can't believe this is happening." she says. Her Mom hugs her. "Well, believe it honey."

The room door opens and we all look to see Mindy her wedding planner. "Everyone is settled into the sanctuary. We've got five minute until it's time to start." she informs us. We all nod, and she leaves. Riley starts looking in the mirror making sure everything is perfect while Bonnie and Heather grab their bouquets and try to explain to Emma what her job as a flower girl is.

 Just as I'm about to go over and grab mine, I suddenly feel like I peed on myself. Which is weird because I didn't have to pee. I stand there, trying to see if it happens again. "Honey, you okay?" Bonnie asks me. I shake my head waving it off. "I'm fine." I assure her. She turns away from me, and I feel the sharpest pain in the lower half of my body. I let out a yelp and grab my stomach. They all look at me and I take a deep breath trying to straighten up. I laugh nervously. "Really hard kick. Now I have to pee." I turn towards the door, and start walking slowly. "You need help?" Heather asks. I shake my head. "No, I- I got it." Once I actually get out of the room, I hold on to the wall as I walk down the hallway, grunting.

By the sharp pain, and me feeling like I peed myself I already knew what was happening. My water broke and I was going into labor. Once I get to the room where the boys are located without any hesitation I walk inside, to see Tucker, Brad, and Danny  gathered around Ben, congratulating him. I try to control my breathing and look normal. "I need to talk to Danny alone." I gulped. Ben comes over to me, giving that stupid smirk, that means he's about to say something sarcastic and ignorant. "Sorry, Hailey but can't you see my boys are trying to congratulate me here. It's guy time here." he puts his hand on my shoulder.

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