I Miss Mr.Cuddly Teddy Bear

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Dana's body flopped to the ground and blood formed a puddle around her, I was expecting Jason to lap it of the ground like a cat, but he didn't, Vampire school was obviously rubbing off on him, but he did look quite tense, shame it wasn't doing it for me.

I slowly helped Jack off the floor and stood up in time to see Jason throw the heart at Ramona.

"Ew, Wish I didn't do that!" Jason said, licking his fingers.

"Well, I'm glad you did!" Me, Isabelle and Jack replied

I turned around and of course this being a palace and all, all the noise was echoed and of course, there would be like 20 guards in front of me, all grabbing at me and the others.

After waking up in that cell, not only did I feel different because of Dana, but I felt as if something had been ripped out of me. I felt like I did before I became a double breed, ordinary, well ordianry for ME, vampire ordinary. Like the werewolf side of me became, dormant.

Me and the others were being dragged up the stairs back into the main part of the palace, strangely none of us were fighting back. My hands were forcefully held behind my back and I snached my hands away from the guards grip, shook my hands and continued on my walk, to, wherever we were going.

We came to a pause when we reached a room, where I hadn't been before, It was dull and boring, like a sensible adults bedroom, but this room had a strange twist, this was black and vampire style. The kings bedroom. Oh no.

I shuddered for a moment, recently Derick tended to make me nervous and tense. Well, you can't really blame me, can you?

Before I even knew what was going on, Derck stood before us and the other vampire guards had left the room and I heard about 6 bolts slot into place, outside and inside. We were trapped with the demon from hell.

Before I even blinked Derick was in front of Jason, staring at him, I could feel Jason's tenseness and fear. Derick smirked and broke the eerie silence.

"Jason... Jason,.. Jason...I hear you killed my witch." Derick said, a slight proudness in his voice

"Maybe?" Jason replied, crossing his arms.

"Haha, Jason... my boy, don't even try to be smart with me, Summer did and...oh, look where that got her, in a stingy cell."

I silently hissed, but I knew Derick heard, and felt my annoyance.

"Well Done!" Derick said, loudly clapping his hands and pacing around the room.

"Huh, Wait What?!" Jason said, baffled.

"Well...Summer couldn't kill the bloody girl and oh, my don't get me started on her sister, two annoying witches!" Derick said, he looked like a crazy kid!

"Hey, I was doing just fine!" I said cutting in.

Everyone in the room stared at me and folded there arms, then raised their eyebrows. I opened my mouth to reply. and they continued to look at me.

That was a sign for me to be quiet and don't have a really awesome comeback. I shut my mouth and ignored them.

"Wait your glad, we...well Jason killed the girl?!" Jack said, unfolding his arms.

"Well, I only let her roam around, because Zane wasn't up for toruring Summer! Hell knows why?!" Derick replied, he had cheered up now and this worried me, someone like Derick, who has like a multiple personality disorder+Vampire=Not going to end well.

You see when I was younger, and I once killed my own kind, I met Derick and Zane a bit, but they were freaking scary, like major nightmare scary, no rules, they would do what they liked, when they liked, now I think about it, what happened to that?!

I forgot about that subject when Derick spoke.

"Right, Summer?! Tut, Tut, What to do with you? Your a right little troublemaker aren't you!" Derick said, I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I try!" I exclaimed

Everyone except Derick snickered, I grinned.

"haha!" Derick said sarcastically "Well...Go away!"

I let out a laughing breath then walked out the room and the others followed.

Once I was out, I burst out in hysterical laughter, and I didn't know why, maybe it was because Derick was being sarcastic or all of the past events were crazy!

Then probabaly the most important thought popped into my head MR.CUDDLY TEDDY BEAR! I shot off down the corridor and disappeared into my room to find my teddy in it's exact place on my bed, I jumped onto my bed and hugged the teddy harder than I have ever hugged a teddy before and I had squeezed it so much the bit connecting the head to the body started to rip.

"Oh, How I've missed you!" I exclaimed, then I knew Isabelle and the others were at my door!

"Still got that thing?!" Isabelle said, rolling her eyes

"Well, You've got to have someone that won't grow old around you?!" I said a bit sarcastically

"You've got us!" Ramona replied

"Oh, Great, you guys!" I said sarcastically, then running over to hug them all and laughed.

"haha!" Jack replied also being sarcastic

"Well, It's dark, how about we go out, I'm bored of being stuck inside!" I exclaimed, throwing Mr. Teddy on the bed and bolting out the door, stopping on the top of the stairwell.

I turned around with a bursting grin on my face, to look at everyone.

"Oh, No she's got an idea!" Isabelle said, looking a bit shocked and worried

"Don't worry! It's not a bad idea, I'll race you!" I exclaimed.

"Your on!" Jack, Ramona, Jason and Isabelle said

Before I knew it we were all shooting down the stairs and out the door, we ran into the woods and I stopped when I couldn't move, My feet froze right where they were, I couldn't breathe, I grasp my throat and fell to my knees, It felt as if I hit an invisible barrier and it was surrounding me, suffocating me, I saw the others turn around and appear in fron of me. I choked, I spat up blood.

I saw a shadow behind a tree, It was a flicker.

"B-Behind, t-t-r-ee -s-shadow!" I choked then I fell on my back and my body was in a type of spasm.

Jack and Ramona looked at each other and dissappered into the night, My pain slowly grew less and Ramona and Jack returned with a scrambling moving body.

They weren't a Vampire and they wern't human, I couldn't tell if they were werewolf because for some reason I couldn't feel that side of me anymore, couldn't say I wanted to but It was just strange.

The scrambling girl feel to her knees and she mumbled some words, but Isabelle smashed her in the mouth before she could finish, the first word that fell into my head was, witch!

The girl shivered before me and I hissed at her.

"I-I'm S-Sorry!" She whispered

That made me burst out in laughter, that was a new one, never has someone apologised before I kill them, and why was it always me in the painful situation, I mean, who could hate me, right?


I know, I know, It took me a while to upload but, it was posted, FINALLY!

Also sorry it's short, I have been caught dramatically on H/W

Hope it was worth the wait :D

Thanks for reading

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