The Scratch

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"Ha ha, very funny guys." I laughed falsely

They weren't laughing, I stood there in utter shock.

"NO, I-I can't be!" I said, it sounded more like a growl and a hiss mixed up together.

"It's too late for her, she's partly one of them." The headmaster said, turning to face Zane.

I put my hands up behind my head, and tilted my head back. My leather jacket's sleeves went up to about my elbow, when I did this. Zane looked at me in horror.

"Summer...What's that on your wrist?" he asked rushing over to grab my wrist. He pulled me closer to him

"Hey, ow, that hurts." I said "It's just a scar!"

The Headmaster had now come over to join in, staring at my wrist.

"Summer, Is this a scratch?" The headmaster asked me.

"It's only a scratch, It's not a big deal." I told them.

"Summer, IT'S NOT JUST A SCRATCH." Zane shouted back at me

"Calm down, lady, god it's not a bite and I feel fine so It's nothing to worry about."

"Bite? Summer, did a...Werewolf do this to you?" The headmaster asked me, his voice calm but serious.

"Yeah, the boy the Prince son or whatever, it was an accident..." I said, Then It fell into place, I realised what was going on! This wasn't a joke!

"Summer, please, don't say this boy had blood on his claws." Zane told me, putting down my wrist and going to the wall to think.

"Um...Do you want me to lie?" I asked them Sarcastically.

"Summer your a...a double breed!"

"Thank you, I realised that when I brought up the werewolf boy.." I attempted to make a joke about this. This hadn't sunk in yet. I was more powerful because I was a Werewolf and a Vampire. My urges were stronger.

I turned around and punched the door it snapped off it's hinges, and fell to the ground, The people up the corridor stood and watched me.

"Summer, may I try something?..." The headmaster asked me.

"Will It cure me of the werewolf?" I asked

"No, I'm afraid not." He said

"NO!" I yelled, the school still staring at me. I turned around to find The headmaster right in front of me holding a strand of...Wolfsbane? he pushed it against my skin and I fell to the ground whincing. The corridor of students saw what had happened.

"WEREWOLF!" A boy down the corridor yelled, he was tall, dark hair and brown eyes.

The corridor of teens, all bared there fangs at me.

"Wait, No it's not what you think!" I said, standing up to face the corridor.

The Headmaster stood in front of me.

"Nothing to see here, just go back to your classes." They listened.

"Is there anything you can do?" I asked Mr. Redman (The Headmaster)

"Well, Now you have turned fully into the double breed, there is only one thing I can think of, and I'm not letting you do it!" They said together, Then they looked at each other.

"What Is It, Tell Me..please!" I asked them. "I don't want to be like this"

"Summer don't you understand? You are probably THE most powerful thing walking the earth!" Zane said

Teen Vampires (Re-writing/Discontinuing)Where stories live. Discover now