Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten


When Lillian didn't show up in maths that day, he started to get really worried. Mrs. Conley had even asked where she was, but Luke couldn't tell her. He honestly had no clue where she could be.

When class ended, Luke rushed to his locker. He wanted to get his things and exit the building as soon as he could, so he could go find Lillian. There were two places he thought she could be.

"Luke!" Michael yelled when he reached his best friends locker. "Change of plans, we have practice right now."

Feeling his breathing increase quickly, Luke began to panic. "What? Why?"

"Because we didn't have it yesterday, and we need to get at least three practices in before the country club gig on Saturday," Michael explained. "You didn't forget, right?"

Luke gulped. He did forget.

"No uh, I didn't forget but uh - "

"You forgot," Michael stated bluntly.

"Okay I'm sorry, but I really can't today."

"Why?" Michael asked. "What the hell has been up with you lately? You've been canceling practices, ignoring any texts regarding the band, and now word around school is that you're dating that Lillian girl? Why don't you tell us things anymore?"

Groaning, Luke slammed his locker door shut. He was too worried about Lillian, there was no time to deal with Michael's shit right now.

"Michael, I have to go," Luke snapped, not letting his friend say another word. He turned around and walked in the opposite direction, ignoring Michael who was yelling his name.

When Luke was outside the building, he debated on where he should check first. The treehouse was a somewhat far walk, plus he didn't remember exactly where it was located. So his next best guess was the park.

Luke ran faster than his legs could handle. He didn't exactly know why he was freaking out so much, it just wasn't like Lillian to not show up to maths. She never skipped class anymore.

Arriving at the park, Luke needed a minute to catch his breath. He saw a blonde ponytail sitting on a swing from afar, hoping that that blonde ponytail belonged to Lillian. Even though his feet were tired from running, he didn't care. Luke walked as fast as he could to the blonde ponytailed girl, becoming relieved when he realized that it was Lillian.

"Lillian," he breathed out, still out of breath from before.

She turned around, her eyes bloodshot. "What are you doing here?" She asked, her voice weak.

"Why weren't you in maths? You never skip school anymore." Luke pointed out, ignoring Lillian's question.

She turned back around, breaking eye contact with Luke. Confused, he walked to the other side of the swing, where Lillian couldn't avoid him.

"Why do you care?" She asked, her eyes watering.

"Lillian what's wrong?"

"How did you even know that my mum died?"

"Wha - What?" Luke stuttered. How did she even know..?

Tears started to fall from Lillian's eyes. Luke wanted to do nothing but hug her, but he knew that now wasn't the time for that. That was probably the last thing she wanted.

"Lillian I.. I can explain,"

"Explain what? That you used me for some stupid photography project? And now the whole fucking school knows about me." She cried.

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