Chapter Forty Four

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Chapter Forty Four


"Lillian?!" he basically screamed. For a split second Luke thought that the amount of alcohol he consumed could be warping his senses, and that the girl in front of him was not Lillian; it was a girl who looked exactly like her. For a moment he believed this, because the familiar girl in front of him had brown hair, when Lillian's was a mix of green and blonde. Though the functioning part of his brain said that she could have just dyed her hair, and that the girl standing in front of him, completely nude and a terrified look on her face, was his Lillian.

"Luke," she gulped, eyeing Luke who had not moved from his spot on the bed. He wanted nothing more than to walk towards her and kiss her to make up for the six months that they have lost. Luke convinced himself that he was over her, that these six months healed him almost to completion, yet the second his lips touched hers, he felt that old spark and felt as if he was at square one all over again. In that moment though, Luke did not know that the unknown girl who he was entering was Lillian, so in the rational part of his brain, he did not know why he began feeling this way again. But once he realized who the mystery girl was, all alcohol aside, everything clicked and began making sense.

"I didn't know it was you.." Lillian mumbled, bringing Luke back to reality from being lost in his drunken thoughts.

"I didn't either," Luke gulped as he tried to hide the smile that was forming across his lips when Lillian joined him again on the bed. She grabbed one of the decorative blankets that had been previously tossed onto the floor, and wrapped it around her naked body.

"You don't have to cover yourself," Luke spoke softly, changing the subject. He was starting to feel more sober than before, yet a pounding headache was beginning to take over. He ignored it though, as he stared at the beautiful girl who he missed so much. "You're beautiful," he added.

"Luke..." Lillian whispered, her eyes beginning to water.

"I've missed you," Luke said honestly. His brain did not seem to be connected to his mouth in that moment, because he did not intend on spilling his heart out to the girl whom he claimed to be over when asked, yet the girl he still loved with every fiber of his being.

"Stop, please. You - "

"I still love you, Lillian. I never stopped."

"Luke," Lillian groaned. She turned so she was facing him, tears threatening to spill.

"Don't cry," Luke whispered, feeling his own eyes water as well.

"This is too weird! We haven't spoken in six months, this shouldn't be happening." Lillian spoke frantically as she threw the decorative blanket off of her body, reaching out onto the floor to grab her clothes.

"You're the one making this weird. It doesn't have to be," Luke interjected. Finally moving from his spot on the bed, he reached towards Lillian and felt his heart break a little as she flinched away from him.

"I've moved on," Lillian snapped, breaking eye contact with Luke. In a few quick motions she was fully dressed again, ready to walk out at any second. Luke did not want her to walk away, again. It might break him just as bad as it did before.

"You're lying," Luke choked out, doing everything in his power to keep the tears from escaping his tired eyes. "You looked away when you said that."

"It's true," Lillian argued, this time looking him straight in the eyes- her hazel eyes burning into his blue ones. If looks could kill, Luke would be dead.

"Six months can do a lot to someone. I've moved on, and just because we had one drunken hook up, that was a mistake, does not mean I love you. I can't fall into this trap with you again,"

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