Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight


There he sat, staring at the photos of Lillian. The photography project was due that next day, and he only needed one more photo.

Luke was frustrated. He knew how Miss Oliver felt when assignments weren't finished, she sometimes wouldn't even take them. But Luke knew how much work he put into this. This project meant a lot to him, so he hoped that Miss Oliver would realize that.

His paragraphs were finished, and overall Luke was pretty satisfied. He couldn't wait to turn it in, this was an A plus he knew he deserved.

Luke continued to look at the photographs, until his phone buzzed, showing he had a Twitter notification.

@LillianCollierxox has started following you.

Somewhat surprised, Luke unlocked his phone. It immediately took him to Twitter, portraying Lillian's profile on his screen.

Just like he did with Facebook, Luke scrolled through Lillian's page, eyeing the pictures she had. There were an endless amount of photos, mostly selfies or pictures with friends. Smiling to himself, Luke continued to scroll, until one particular photo caught his eye. Dropping his phone, the smile from his face faded.

The picture showed Lillian with a boy, who had his arms around her and his lips pressed to her cheek. Even though the date on the photo was from almost two years ago, Luke couldn't help but feel.. jealous.

Not knowing where these sudden feelings were coming from, Luke closed out of the picture. He followed Lillian back, locking his phone and tossing it across his bed all within that same second.

Wanting to get his mind off of what he just saw, Luke grabbed his guitar from the end of his bed. He began to strum, immediately getting lost in the music.

Feeling spirited, Luke grabbed some paper and a pen. Some new song lyrics had come to mind.

Life's a tangled web
Of cell phone calls and hashtag I-don't-knows
And you you're so caught up
In all the blinking lights and dial tones
I admit I'm a bit of a victim in the worldwide system too
But I've found my sweet escape when I'm alone with you

Tune out the static sound of the city that never sleeps
Here in the moment on the dark side of the screen

Grinning, Luke held up the piece of paper. He read it over, liking the way it was coming together. All it needed was a name. The band was going to love this.

His eyes continued scanning the sheet of paper, before his phone buzzed again. It was another twitter notification, this time not signaling a new follower..

Luke grabbed his phone, eyeing the twitter message he had received.


bruised and scarred by mayday parade is the best song I've ever heard. my ears are really enjoying it :-)

Luke smiled, as he started typing back a response.


oh just you wait. I've got lots more bands to show you ;)


can you help me with a math problem?


definitely, what is it?


y=mx+b is obviously the equation the numbers have to be set up in (you've taught me well) but this time, x = your number.

Photograph | l.h.Where stories live. Discover now