Chapter Forty Three

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Chapter Forty Three


She laid in bed that morning, wanting nothing more than to sleep. Her father had been knocking on her door for twenty minutes, and although she had the large piece of wood locked, it did not drown out the knocking like she hoped it would.

"Lillian," Phil sighed. "I know you don't want to go, but I promise that this will be good for you."

"Go away," Lillian groaned. She pulled her blankets up so her entire body was engulfed under the covers.

"If you just go, I'll pick you up early. I promise,"

Throwing the blankets off of her, Lillian groaned loudly, knowing that her father heard. She was annoyed; she hated being forced into things that she did not want any part in.

Lillian sat up slowly, rolling her eyes as she looked at the time. It was almost eight o'clock; she was never awake before ten. With a deep breath in, she exhaled loudly in annoyance.

"Fine," she mumbled, hoping that her father heard her, simply because she did not feel like speaking anymore.

"Be ready in ten minutes," Phil instructed, walking away from Lillian's bedroom.

Lillian sat up, staring at the wall for quite some time. She knew that ten minutes had passed and she was nowhere near ready to go, so in a hurry she threw on black jeans and a white tank top, then put her freshly dyed dark brown hair in a messy bun. If she had time she would apply some makeup, in attempt to cover the dark circles under her eyes, however in that moment Lillian did not care what she looked like.

As she exited her room she quickly walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth, groaning as her stomach began to growl in the process. She knew that she would have no time to eat, considering she was already late.

The moment she walked into the living room, her father tossed her his car keys. She gave him a look of confusion.

"You need to learn how to drive, you're seventeen with no license. You will be driving today."

"But I only have my permit, plus driving makes me anxious."

"I'll be in the car with you, no need to be nervous." Phil smiled.

"Fine," Lillian rolled her eyes. She slowly walked out of the house with her father following closely behind. Without hesitation she entered the car and started it up, feeling her heart beat faster and faster as the process became more complicated.

"You know where to go?"

"Yes," Lillian shrugged as she kept her eyes promptly on the road. The familiar drive to the treatment center made Lillian's head hurt, her father had driven her there on many occasions, though today was the first day in which she actually complied. Although she did not want to go along with her father's plan, she knew that deep down it would help. She just liked acting stubborn and always getting her way.

As she pulled up to the familiar building, she felt her heart sink to her stomach. Lillian did not want to go inside. She turned towards her dad who did not look amused, as if he knew what she was about to say.

"I know what you're going to ask, Lilli. The answer is no."

"But dad!"

"No, Lillian. You need this. And as much as you say you don't, you do. It's okay to receive help, Lillian. You aren't alone in this, there are so many people just like you that are struggling. If you go for at least an hour, I promise I will pick you up as soon as the hour is up."

"Fine," she sighed, knowing that he was right.

"I'll be back in an hour, love you!"

"Love you," she mumbled and exited the car, walking into the building without turning around to wave goodbye.

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