Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"Dang it!" My dad pounded his fist on the counter. "We need the camera on that building now!"

"It's too risky to do it in the daylight, son," Grandma said, shaking her head to discourage him. "We would be like sitting ducks."

"I know, I know," he replied, tapping his fingers against his head repeatedly. "Think, Sean! Think!" he said, to himself.

"I know how we can get in," Vance suddenly piped up, looking at Dad seriously. "But you aren't going to like it."

"Tell me," my dad demanded. "We can't afford to waste any more time."

"Send Stacey," he replied, motioning toward my mom. "She isn't magical, so she won't set off any type of detection. She can call the realtor and tell her she's interested in seeing the property, but it has to be this afternoon. She could also talk to some of the people from Cummings."

A look of horror passed over my dad's face. "Absolutely not!" he responded firmly, shaking his head.

"I said you wouldn't like it," Vance reminded.

"I think it's a great idea!" my mom popped up, walking into the middle of us. "Let's do it!"

"No, Stacey! It's too dangerous!" my dad said, putting a hand on her shoulder and turning her back to face him.

"Dangerous to you maybe," my mom replied, completely unfazed by his concern. "But not to me. I'm no one as far as Damien Cummings is concerned. He would rather swat at a fly than look at me. I'd be able to move in right under the radar."

"It actually makes sense, Sean," Grandma spoke up, seeing the possibilities in using Mom for this task.

"I don't like it," Dad replied, frowning at the rest of us. "Not one little bit!"

"Look, Sean, we'll send everyone else to take turns driving up and down the road outside the property. The regular security guards are on during this time of day. Cummings Enterprises isn't going to try anything with the whole place watching them. They're trying to keep up appearances, not blow their cover," Vance said matter-of-factly.

Dad paced the floor, letting Vance's words sink in.

"Make the call," he finally said, handing the realtor's business card to my mom, and turning to face Vance. "But if anything happens to her, I'll hold you personally responsible."

"As well you should," Vance agreed. "But I think we have her covered. I wouldn't have suggested it otherwise."

"Hola?" Mom's voice broke into the conversation, and we all turned to watch her talk on the phone. "Se habla English? Yes, my name is Maria Sanchez, and I'm looking to possibly rent a warehouse unit that is located off Freemont Boulevard. Are you the listing agent for that property?"

She paused for a moment to allow the person on the other end of the line to respond.

"Well, here's my problem. I'm only in town on business for the afternoon before I go back to the States. I wouldn't be able to come back and see the property for several months. Is there any chance you could squeeze me in this afternoon before I have to leave? I'd really like to be able to tell my boss I found a place for him here in the area."

She waited again before she started speaking.

"In an hour? Perfect! Thanks so much. I'll meet you at the gate," she said, before hanging up the phone and turning to my dad. "I need to go get changed, and you'll need to create a convincing story for me to tell."

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