Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I wasn't surprised to find Vance waiting for me on his motorcycle when I walked out the door for school. I gave him a happy smile when he handed me a spare helmet he had with him. I placed it on with ease this time and climbed on behind him. He kicked into gear, and we raced off down the road.

We parked when we arrived, and he helped me off the bike. "Sleep well?" he asked.

"The best ever!" I replied, laughing as he grabbed my hand, and we walked toward the school. "Was it real?"

"Every second of it." He squeezed my hand.

Walking me to my first hour again, he dropped me off at the door with a kiss goodbye on my forehead.

"Catch you later, baby," he said with a wink.

Smiling, I waved as he walked away before slinging myself into a desk and reaching into my backpack for my books.

"Hey. You want to go out tonight?" Vance's voice caught me off guard, and I sat up abruptly, looking around before hearing his laughter in my head.

"This is weird," I said back to him mentally. "It's definitely going to take some getting used to."

"I like it," he replied, and I could almost hear the smile in his voice. "Think of it as a phone call but without the phone."

"Yeah, but a phone rings to let someone know when they're calling," I said wryly.

Instantly, I heard a ringing sound in my head, and I jumped at the harsh noise, tempted to cover my ears with my hands but knowing it wouldn't help.

"Is that better?" he asked with a chuckle.

"No," I said, amused. "Your way is much better. Let's stick with that."

"You didn't answer my question."

"Yes. I'd love to go out with you tonight, or any night for that matter. What do you want to do?"

"It'll be a surprise," he said, turning mysterious on me. "It's my turn to treat you with something."

"That sounds great."

"Cool," he answered. "Now listen to your teacher. I believe he's about to call your name."

"Portia Mullins?" Mr. Shanks called out.

"Present," I said, and he flicked his pencil to check me on the role card.

I was surprised when Vance agreed to go to lunch with Shelly and Brad. I didn't think it would be his type of scene. We all ordered a burger and fries, and then sat at a table together while we waited. Brad kept asking Vance questions about his motorcycle, telling him how he had always wanted to get one, and Vance explained how he had restored this motorcycle and customized it to his taste. The two of them launched into all this mechanics stuff, and soon Shelly and I were completely lost from the conversation.

"So, do you want to go do something tonight?" Shelly asked after we got our food and the boys continued their own discussion,.

"I'd love to, but Vance has some surprise planned for this evening," I replied with a smile, but Shelly made a pout-lipped face.

"We never do anything together anymore," she complained, dipping a French fry into some ketchup.

"I'm sorry. How about going tomorrow night?"

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