Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I hung my head over my book, pretending to read Shakespeare's Hamlet in my English Lit class. My thoughts, however, kept drifting to the previous night.

I'd been inducted into the coven and watched with amazement as Grandma cast a circle of protection, and the whole group called the elements. Then a candle representing unity was lit in the center of the table. I was presented to the entire group again, only this time I called them by name in return and kissed their knuckles while whispering the Blessed Be incantation, before I was placed in my spot next to Vance. A chalice was passed around, and everyone took a sip of the wine inside.

"In the beginning, God created the Earth," my dad said. He smiled, and I heard a few chuckles ripple through the group. He continued on. "God created the Earth, and we're to respect the things on it, both spiritually as well as physically. When we use the things the Earth provides in a proper manner, we surround ourselves with the powers of creation and goodness. If we misuse the things we've been given, it calls forth a dark magic that can overtake us."

Grandma patted his hand and stared pointedly at me. I knew this was all for my benefit, and I leaned forward a bit, listening intently. "We may believe in Christianity, but we also believe there is truth in everything. All religions, rituals, and magical practices have a higher law they support. We believe all these forces work together to create a whole. Mankind is the one who gives labels and restrictions to religious practices. We believe the universe operates as a whole and must answer to the scientific laws that have been placed upon it. Don't allow yourself to be confused by names and labels—instead learn to accept things as they are. You are a special being, gifted with a higher power, which has been passed down since the beginning of time. Use your gift wisely and allow only good energy to flow through you.

"We're blessed when we use good magic. Sometimes the consequences of our magic may not appear immediately, so we should always be careful in what we do, because the results of our magic can be far-reaching and have long-lasting effects on those around us. Be considerate of others. You would be wise to always live by the rule that what you put out comes back to you times three. If you conspire to do evil, that is what you'll receive—but if you do what is positive and right, that's what you'll attract as well. Which would you rather live with?"

My mind was spinning with all the things I needed to learn, but I quickly shoved it all aside when the group began discussing Vance and his father. Apparently, a powerful warlock had raised Vance. The group chose not speak the name of his father, because they didn't want to call his dark energy to them. My dad had been observing Vance's dad from a distance, and he felt he was still desperately looking for Vance but hadn't discovered his location.

Grandma explained in detail the story of how Vance manifested his magic at an early age. His father was delighted and began using him in their rituals. Over the next few years, Vance's mother noticed his dad would often disappear with Vance for long periods, several times a week. She started to wonder what was going on and began to watch them closely.

His mom questioned Vance about what the pair of them were doing when they disappeared together. He would tell her about getting ice cream, or going to movies and such, and it seemed like father and son were having a great time bonding. But his mother couldn't shake the premonition, so she decided to follow them on their next outing.

She tailed them to a wooded area on the outskirts of town, staying quite a distance behind to avoid detection as they walked through the trees to a small clearing. His mom watched as his father cast a circle and called dark elements in around him. Horrified, she saw her son put into a trance. Her husband took his athame and sliced into the young boy at the wrist. He filled a chalice with Vance's blood before sealing the wound again. Then he drank the blood.

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