Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

The small aircraft touched down easily, not even making a bump as the wheels came in contact with the solid ground beneath us. We taxied along the runway until we turned onto another access road and moved toward a large row of hangars off to the far side of the massive space.

We passed by several of the large buildings, all of them closed, before I finally saw one standing open in the middle of the long row. The plane glided into it easily, and the large doors closed behind us.

I sat quietly with Damien while the engine was shut down. The pilot made an appearance to visit with Damien and find out if the flight had been to his satisfaction, while the attendant brought him a briefcase. When they finished speaking with Damien, the two of them opened the door and lowered the stairs to the hangar floor.

At this point, a couple of men in dark suits boarded the plane.

"It's time to go," Damien said, glancing at me, and suddenly I was released from my magical holdings.

I had been waiting for this moment, and the instant I felt myself freed I flung my arm out at him, sending several ice shards in a row speeding toward him. He quickly waved his hand to the side, and the weapons were redirected, landing in the chest of one of the men who had just boarded. The man gave a grunt of surprise, staring down at the group of shards protruding from his chest and fell over dead.

Damien shook his head at me, as if completely dismayed by my behavior.

"Portia, Portia," he said in that patronizing voice of his, "look what you've done! You've killed poor Michael. What did he ever do to you?" He made a clicking sound with his tongue while shaking his finger at me.

"I didn't do anything to him," I replied, standing from the chair that had been my previous prison to confront him. "You did."

"Well, if that's how you need to see it so you can feel better about yourself . . . " he said trailing off in mock horror as he got to his feet.

He was actually a couple of inches taller than Vance, which served to make him even more imposing.

"Take her," Damien ordered the one man still standing next to his dead accomplice.

"Don't touch me!" I shouted as he approached, raising my hand threateningly, and he paused slightly to look over at Damien with a questioning glance.

"If you'd just come easily and quit provoking everyone, he wouldn't have to touch you," Damien said in exasperation, as if this were the most apparent thing in the world. "You have to know I'm completely prepared for you. There's no way I would've allowed you from your restraints otherwise. Now be a good girl and get a move on!" He jerked his head curtly in the direction of the door.

I looked at him, weighing my options wishing I could wipe the smug, self-assured expression off his face. With a sigh of defeat, I brushed passed him and exited the plane. Immediately, I noticed the waiting black limousine, its windows so darkly tinted there was no hope of anyone seeing me inside, even if I were to lean up against the glass and pound on it. I paused as I stared at the sleek car, knowing I was simply being transferred from one prison to another. The smartly uniformed driver was standing ramrod straight at the door, holding it open, waiting for us to enter the vehicle.

"Move along," Damien said from behind me, prodding me forward with the sound of his voice, and I continued to make my way down the steps toward the waiting vehicle. At the bottom of the stairs I stopped just to be annoying, pretending I didn't know where to go, looking around with a perplexed gaze.

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