Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

We drove out of Sedona and headed up the canyon toward Flagstaff. We stopped at a truck stop to get some gas and a few snack items for our trip, before heading east on Interstate 40. I watched the tall Ponderosa pine trees zip past my window as I loosely listened to Brad and Shelly's excited discussion about things they would like to try with their magic.

I didn't realize I'd dozed off until I awoke a little while later to find myself staring at the flat plains that surrounded the small town of Winslow, Arizona. We drove through without stopping until we reached Holbrook, about thirty miles down the road, where stopped for some fast food before moving on.

The sun was setting as we passed through the outer edge of the Petrified Forest National Park and the Painted Desert. It was very beautiful with its reflecting whites, reds, and purples layered in the mounds of dirt.

After traveling for a couple more hours, we finally crossed the state line into New Mexico. We ended up stopping for the night at a sleepy, little hotel on the far edge of town in Gallup. My dad sent a whole wad of cash with me, as well as one of his platinum credit cards. Shelly's parents also sent a lot of money with her, to help cover our expenses. As we were checking in at the front office, I pulled one of my pictures of Vance from the envelope and asked the night desk clerk if she had seen him before.

"Sorry," she said, taking the picture from me to look it over. "I'm positive I'd remember that face. He's a handsome devil, isn't he?" She laughed. "Too bad I'm too old for someone like him."

She handed the picture back and gave us the keys to our room.

"It's number 18, way down in the corner there, right next to the ice machine." She pointed in the direction we should go.

Earlier, we decided it was best to get one room with two beds. Even though I didn't anticipate anything going wrong at this point, I didn't want to risk separating and having something bad happen.

Shelly and I took one of the queen-sized beds, and Brad took the other. I was so exhausted from everything that I immediately collapsed on top of the bed and fell asleep without even taking my shoes off.

When I woke in the early morning hours of the following day, I felt much better. It was amazing how a good night's sleep could rejuvenate the body. I sat at the window, watching the sunrise crest over the rolling hills around us.

Taking advantage of the quiet time, I proceeded to center all my thoughts and energies, on locating Vance, hoping against hope I might be able to sense him somehow. I was slightly disappointed when I couldn't hear anything, even though I expected that. But the physical pull wasn't any worse, so I decided to just keep heading in the direction we'd been going.

Brad and Shelly woke up shortly after I was done getting showered and dressed for the day. I sat on the bed and watched television while the two of them took turns in the bathroom. When they were ready, we went to the small lobby for a continental breakfast and stocked up on orange juice and doughnuts for the trip. Back at the room, we loaded our things and headed out again.

The majority of the traffic this time of the morning was semi-trucks hauling their freight down the interstate. I watched them absently for a while, wondering where they were all heading. Before long, I reached into my bag and pulled out the letter from Vance. which contained the photos he left for me. I couldn't stop looking at him.

I found my favorite one and stared intently at it, lightly tracing my finger over the lines of his face. He was propped up on his elbow looking at me intently, the love shining in his eyes. I sighed as I wished for those happier times . . . the days before everything had turned completely berserk.

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