Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Vance checked us in to another hotel and placed a call to my family in Sedona, letting them know he had found me.

The coven came to Las Vegas to assist in cleaning up the loose ends, as Vance had called it. A lot of time was spent in Damien's penthouse, going through files and personal items trying to trace all the members of his coven so they could be destroyed also. Every time we found a lead, we organized a strike team to go and take care of the threat. Soon we'd found everyone except for Darcy, the maid from the penthouse who had been instructed to take care of me.

I watched Vance in amazement as he handled things with great efficiency. It was almost as if he'd assumed the role of leader in our coven, though he politely deferred to my dad and Grandma in every aspect of decision-making.

I also noticed his powers were significantly stronger than they'd been before. I could feel it pulsating through his veins when I stood next to him, but it was even more obvious as he destroyed every demon we encountered, fighting like nothing I'd ever seen before.

The strange thing in all this was he seemed to have suffered no ill effects in performing the demon kiss. In fact, it seemed to have the opposite effect, as he no longer suffered from the awful withdrawal he'd experienced before, and I had yet to see the red eyes reappear. We finally decided the exchange must have completed something in the cycle he had been going through, and he documented it all carefully in his Book of Shadows, which he'd found hidden in Damien's safe.

Vance and Dad had also been going through all of Damien's holdings, which proved to be vast indeed. Vance decided to liquidate the properties located all over the world, stating he certainly did not have a need for so many residencies. He instructed my dad to give the money to the witches and warlocks Damien had stolen powers from. It wasn't magic, but Vance felt they should be compensated somehow for their losses.

Despite all his generosity, Vance was still easily a multi-millionaire. Damien had been a very rich man with investments in many lucrative pots, which continued to accrue money hand over fist. Dad assured us Vance would be extremely well off for the rest of his days.

That evening, Vance and I decided to walk down to Freemont Street on the strip. It was New Year's Eve, and there was a lot of celebrating going on in the city. Vance had asked me on a date to see the light shows and watch the fireworks. I was very excited. We'd been through so much lately I was ready for some relaxation and celebration.

Hand in hand we strolled along the sidewalk, watching the people pass us by and reading the bright signs that advertised the A-list headliners for the evening.

"How are you feeling?" Vance asked, glancing at me.

"I'm a lot better," I replied, knowing he referred to the weakness I felt after being fed on by both him and his father. "Thanks for healing my neck."

"No problem." He squeezed my hand. "I'm just sorry you were placed in that situation."

"It wasn't your fault. I was just the means to an end."

"Don't talk like that," he said, coming to a stop.

"Like what?"

"You're so much more than a means to an end. You're my life. I couldn't live without you."

I smiled and gave him a quick hug before continuing down the strip to Freemont Street. Standing shoulder to shoulder with hundreds of other people, we watched the fantastic spectacle. As the colored images flashed down the roof in many patterns, I glanced around at the awed faces, spotting one I recognized.

I nudged Vance hard.

"What is it?" he said loudly over the music and leaned toward me so he could hear me.

"It's Darcy!" I shouted back, pointing to where she was standing several feet away.

His gaze followed my finger, his eyes searching the crowd.

"She's the one in the red jacket with the fur around the hood," I described as I continued to point.

It was as if she heard us and turned to look. Fear sprang into her eyes, and she ran through the crowd, shoving people out of the way. Vance instantly took off after her, and I followed him. Several people protested loudly as we pushed and stumbled through the throngs, pursuing her through the crush of bodies.

Ahead, Darcy turned to run down a darker alley, just as we came to the outer rim of the masses. With a sudden burst of speed, Vance continued the chase and I had a hard time keeping up, his enhanced powers becoming more evident with each passing day.

Darcy rounded the corner onto another side street, then across traffic and into another alley. Vance and I danced through the traffic as we crossed the street behind her, causing several people to slam on their brakes and honk their horns angrily at us.

As we entered the alley, we could see Darcy running ahead of us at the far end. Vance shot out a burst of magic, hitting her, causing her and fall forward onto her hands and knees. Vance was easily upon her, picking her up none too gently and dragging her to her feet.

"Please don't kill me," she gasped as her face transformed into her demon mask.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't," he replied roughly, jerking her and lifting her cleanly off her feet, so she was dangling in the air in front of him.

She hesitated for only a second. "Because I know where your mother is," she huffed, her eyes darting wildly about.

"Sorry. Try again. My mom is already dead," he growled. "I killed her myself."

Darcy shook her head. "No, she isn't," she replied, her red eyes never leaving his face, though her lower lip quivered as she spoke.

"What are you talking about?" Vance asked, shaking her like a rag doll.

"Damien sent a shape shifter to get you. He was toying with you," Darcy answered.

"Liar! That isn't possible!" he yelled, but I saw a flicker of doubt cross his face.

"Yes, it is," Darcy pleaded with him. "Krista was his prisoner, but he never turned her. He needed her for something else."

Vance pondered this for only a second. "Where is she?" he demanded, pulling Darcy within an inch of his face, his sculpted features hardening into a sudden deadly calm.

"Scotland," she cried out desperately. "She's in Scotland with Damien's parents . . . your grandparents!"

Vance released her in shock and took a step backward. Darcy took full advantage of the release and ran as fast as she could down the alley, rounding the corner out of sight. The fireworks began shooting off overhead as Vance turned to me in disbelief, his face a mask of complete astonishment.

Krista Mangum was still alive!


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