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Michael's Point of View

To sum up all the confusion that has occurred during the past week is near impossible. I wouldn't have thought that things could go out of control in such a short period of time, but it happened to be that way. At this point I couldn't say that I had yet come to fully forgiven her, but I was glad that we were starting to make a detour down the right path. She decided to stay in the guest house because 'it would be best', (look who's making big girl decisions). I love her to death, but she was killing me. I had already started forgiving her, all I wanted was to be able to at least hold her close to me while I tried to sleep; I seemed to always be more at ease when she was with me.

Touring around the world was a bittersweet experience; I loved the positive energy that was given off during every concert, it was a remarkable experience. Once I was on that stage, nothing mattered; it was just my music, my fans, and I. The energy was so intense and electrifying. But with good, comes almost always the same amount of bad.

With all the constant dancing and singing and rehearsing that was done in one day, it was hard for my mind and body to calm down at night. Every night was a challenge for me once I tried to rest, and as morning came and business had to be taken care of, I'd be so exhausted and out of it. This was the most difficult part of it all and it just hurt to think of what I went through just to get some sleep.

Although touring was great, I ultimately decided that I wouldn't do it again, instead I would focus on making music and filming.

"So what are you planning to do now that you're not on tour?" Frank and I were walking through the zoo that was here. He called and said that he wanted to talk about some things with me.

"What do you think Frank?" I was focused at the giraffe that was gracefully walking through the grass.

He sighed and shook his head, "I don't know Mike, I can't read your mind."

"I've been on the road for two years straight, I think I'm just going to relax and spend as much time with my fiance as possible"

I'm not sure if he took my comment too well because his eyes immediately widened. "Michael what the Hell do you mean by fiance?"

"It means exactly what you think it means. Are you just purposely acting slow today?"

"How come I wasn't aware that you are planning to get married?"

I chuckled slightly, "Because I don't need your permission to do anything. I'm a grown man the last time I checked."

"Do you know what this could do to your image?"

"Frank I've been with the same girl for seven years, and if you count the four years before we started dating, then that's eleven. How much more different can my image get by marrying her?"

"Michael they already think that you and that girl are together-"

"Frank she kissed me, not the other way around. So as far as I'm concerned, we aren't together. I know that, you know that, and my fans who aren't blinded by the media knows it. Who cares if they think Tatiana and I are together? We aren't, period."

He shook his head once again. "Whatever Mike. I'm just trying to help you, but I can't force you to do anything you don't want to."

"You're right, you can't force me, so thanks for trying, but I'm marrying this girl. Regardless if you approve or not."

He sighed, "Well I just came by to see how things are, I'll be going now. Later Mike."

I nodded, "Yeah, see ya Frank."

I glanced at him as he left and shook my head, Frank had the tendency to want to control my life. I know he means well, but I should be able to live my life the way every other normal person does, not having to worry about what the media says.

I decided to brush the thought from my mind and go over to see Selena. Yesterday she said she wanted to be alone so she could think. I don't know what that means, but I just hope she doesn't worry herself too much.

I made my way over to the guest house, wondering what she was doing today. It was so hard to know that we weren't spending time together. We used to do everything together, but once I started recording Bad everything changed and I pray that she didn't as well. I just want to go back to where we were in the beginning.

I walked up to the front door and tended the knob, opening it successfully. The place looked much differently in the day. I made my way into the room that she stayed in, but I didn't find her, instead I saw Maria changing the linen on the bed.

"She's in the main house Mr. Jackson." She said once she saw me.

I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head. "Did she say why?"

"No sir."

Once I got back inside, I followed the sound of a familiar humming coming from the kitchen. I walked in to see Selena sitting at the island, a pencil in hand.

I smiled and walked over to her, taking a seat. " Writing something?"

She looked up at me and gave me a half smile, "Attempting to."

I nodded my head, not knowing what else to say. The tension that polluted the air was very thick. I didn't know what to say to her and I think she sensed that, causing her to break the awkward silence.

"So what did Frank want?" She asked, turning her full body to face me.

Her question caught me off guard, making me answer with an in volunteered 'huh?'. Her eyes darted down to her fingers which were in the process of tangling themselves together, "I saw his car when I was walking over."

"Oh right he uh- he was checking up on me." I managed to stutter out. A soft chortle escaped her as she shook her head, "Frank is like an over protected parent with you." She said.

The topic of the conversation that occurred earlier entered my head. "You are so right." I mumbled.

In an attempt to keep the conversation going, I quickly changed the subject. "What are you doing today?"

She shrugged, "Well Mommy called while you were out. I was wondering if you wanted to pass by there today."

"Did you mention..." I trailed. I knew she understood exactly what I meant, so I felt no need to continue my sentence.

"Oh, um no. It's no longer my secret to tell."

I couldn't give her an answer other that a simple 'oh'. I placed both hands on the counter and hoisted myself up from the seat. As I began to walk away, she spoke up, making me feel some type of way.

"This isn't progress you know."

I sighed and turned to face her once again. "I don't know what to say to you. I thought I did, but I don't." I had so many things to say, so many questions to ask, but the distance between us made me uncomfortable to do so. I watched as her face slowly began to mask itself with hurt, but just as quickly, it disappeared and was then replaced with a pained smile.

"If you want to stop by your parents later, I'll be in the guest house. Just call or whatever." She eased herself from the stool and walked out of my kitchen.


I apologize for the lateness, I've been procrastinating a lot.

Happy Belated Birthday Mikey <3

Oh, for those who might think that Selena in the story and I are the same people, you're wrong. I'm pretty in love with my name so I just gave it to her, but she is not an extension of me.

Vote and Comment :3

Later xx

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