...Comes To the Light

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A Milli-second. That's all the time it took for Michael's face to change. It was painful to watch. The second I said it, I regretted my words. Maybe Michael was right, maybe I didn't have to tell him. No. I did have to tell him, it was right. Plus, I made a promise I was determined not to break.

"Wait," His voice was stern, but almost inaudible, "excuse me?"

I took a deep breath as I prepared to repeat my secret. My painful secret. I closed my eyes and started again, "The reason I didn't come on tour with you is because I was pregnant."

He chuckled a little and shook his head. It agitated me a little to know that he was getting some humor out of this. "Selena if you think this is funny, I have to tell you it's not. I mean come on, if you were pregnant there would be a child to prove it, right?"

I dropped my head in my hands. Dear Lord why was he not listening to the word that were coming out of my mouth? "Maybe if you let me finish I could tell you." I was harsher than intended, but at this point I had no choice. "Mike, I'm definitely not messing around. I couldn't be anymore serious in this moment."

He sat back in his chair and released a breath, "Fine. You can continue, I guess I should really listen to this."

I rubbed my forehead as it began to throb in pain, but I pushed the pain away and focused on this moment. I sat up straight, letting my feet fall to the floor. "Right before we were to leave, I went to the doctors, you know to just check on my health. I was about to go around the world, I had to make sure that my body was okay." I looked up to make sure that he was following me, the look in his eyes told me to continue. "Normally on the visits they do all the necessary test. Blood test, Drug test, Pregnancy test..." It was difficult to say the last one.

"The pregnancy test came up...positive?" He spat out 'positive'.

I nodded, "Yeah." The word almost didn't leave my lips.

He shook his head, "It was false right? You weren't really pregnant?"

I wish that had been the case. I wish it had been a false positive. I wish I wasn't in this situation. But unfortunately the exact opposite happened. "It wasn't false. It was a correct positive."

"Then what happened? If you were really pregnant what happened?"

All these questions were driving me insane. I wish he would just listen and not ask any questions whatsoever. "When the positive came back, I was happy, yet scared at the same time. I didn't know what to do, I wasn't sure if I wanted to be a mother yet and I was even more scared because I wasn't sure if you were ready either. But through all my fear I was happy. My doctor scheduled an ultrasound the following Monday. I was given a list of prenatal pills and supplements to pick up." I paused.

"That's why you had that bag from the pharmacy." He was talking more to himself than me.

I nodded anyways and continued, "I decided to wait after the ultrasound to tell you, I was afraid to do it honestly." I looked down at my still trembling hands. "I went to the specialist that Monday," My voice started to break a little.

Michael reached out and touched my knee, causing me to jump slightly. "Selena what happened that day?"

I shuddered as the tears came back, they rolled down my cheek, but I didn't wipe them away. "There wasn't a heartbeat." I whispered. "Our baby didn't have a heartbeat." I coughed out the last word.

Michael sat back suddenly, there was a hint of anger and hurt in his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I couldn't. I felt like it was my fault. I didn't want you to think that."

His eyes widened, "You had a miscarriage and you worry about what I'm going to think?"

"No! That's not why I didn't tell you." My voice was know at a higher tone due to my slight frustration.

"Enlighten me please. Why did you fail to tell me that you lost our child?"

"I just..." I exhaled as I tried to find the right words. "I didn't want you to worry. You were going on tour soon. I just didn't want you to worry yourself over me." I explained.

He threw his hand up in the air, "So you fail to tell me you had a MISCARRIAGE? Because I was 'going on tour and you didn't want me to worry'?"

I scoffed, "Honestly Michael, what would you have done if you found out that your girlfriend lost your child? Because I'm sure you would have focusing on the wrong thing and not your tour, something in that manner."

"That's not the point. I still had the right to know."

"I don't see why you are so upset. You should thank me. I kept this in for you."

"For me? You decided to hold the news of your miscarriage for my well being and you want me to thank you? You are highly full of yourself." He got up and walked over to the door. "Don't expect an apology from me any time soon." And with that he walked out and let me there regretting every bit of this conversation.


I don't even know what to say. I'm pretty surprised myself, I did not expect this to happen the way it did. How did you think about this? Do you think she should have kept this inside or told him when it happened? Btw just because I love you, I stayed up until 3am to write and edit this chapter so 'you should thank me''. Haha just kidding, but if you did I'd highly appreciate it :3

I'm not sure if I can get the next chapter up as fast as the previous ones, but I'll try.

Vote and comment please xx

Also, I know I don't ever ask for this, but I guess I could take a shot right? Would you guys mind passing on this story to friends? I'd appreciate it a lot. Thanks :)

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