Five Letters, One Word...

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That feeling that you had as a child when you ate a cookie from the fresh batch your mom had to bring to the Christmas party. That feeling was guilt, but of course you never felt it until AFTER you did wrong. It always happened after. Maybe if guilt came before, life would be so much easier when it came to making a bad decision. If guilt came before, you wouldn't make these decisions; they just wouldn't happen. But unfortunately, guilt is a resulting effect, so therefore everyone, including me, who has ever ate that one cookie, had to deal with the guilt and the consequences.

"You okay?" Alejandra looked over at me as she stopped at a stop light.

I held my hand up high, "Do you think if I tilted this correctly, it'll reflect the sunlight into my eyes and burn them right out of the sockets."

She gasped and grabbed my hand, "He proposed?" she whispered as she looked carefully at the ring, "You said yes?" she asked a little louder, her question came off more as a surprise to her.

"What'd you expect me to say? No?"

"Uh Yeah. Selena does He even know?" She shook her head. "Never mind that, I already know the answer."

"I'll tell him, I just..." I let my sentence trail, I didn't have an excuse.

"Right, I give you five days, if you don't tell him before that, I know you never will." She looked back up and continued to drive.

Michael's Point Of View

I sat in the middle of her apartment as she paced around in front of me shaking her head.

"So let me get this straight," She said slowing her pace, "You proposed?"

"Yes" I watched her carefully.

"And she said Yes?"


"And now you two are gonna get married."

"Is there something that I'm missing? You seem to already know the whole situation, why are you confused?"

She shook her head and sat in the armchair across from me, "What about us?"

I squinted my eyes, "There was never an us. I never wanted for there to be an us." I explained, slowly shaking my head.

"But there's a you and her. There was never a you and me. Why are you marrying her Michael?"

"I've loved her for the past seven years. Seven! Did you think I was going to neglect her to be in a toxic relationship with you? Are you insane?" I raised my voice.

"Yes! we could be something together Michael. You said it yourself, She's married to her career and her education, she doesn't want to be married to you."

"Then explain to me why she said Yes?" I got up and walked over to the door, "I just wanted to tell you, I thought it would be rude to say it over the phone. I guess I should've done that instead." I walked out of her place and down to my car, regretting every second of our 'friendship'


Omg! Two chapters in one day?! No way! Lol enjoy :)

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