64 • libraries

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The children clapped at the end of her narration. Abby had picked up some volunteer hours at the local library. She read to the kids every Tuesday and Thursday, and they taken to her quite well.

"What do you say to Miss Abby, everyone?" their chaperone chastised.

"Thank you, Miss Abby," they chorused.

Just as they spoke, Austin came striding into the library, wrapped in a rain jacket. She brightened at the sight of him and waved to all the little kids. Before she could leave though, one little boy came up to her with a card.

Thank you for reading me books every week. I wish you could be my new mommy and read me books all day. Love, Danny

Abby chuckled and gave the small boy a hug as Austin walked to her side.

"Thank you for the card. I'll see you Thursday, right?"

The boy nodded with a toothy smile before running off after the other kids.

Austin smiled at her and gave a small peck to the forehead.

"Ready to go home?"


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