20 • comfort

11 2 0

"What's your biggest dream?"

Austin hummed and tilted his head in thought. This was the first night in over a week that they had met.

"I guess it would be to find happiness in someone. Someone so bright that they just make you smile, you know?"

She nodded, liking the idea herself.

"What's yours?"

She looked down. She knew what her biggest dream was. How could she say it though? She was so afraid of judgement, rejection.

"It's, uh," she stammered, "hard to explain."

"We have all night."

She smiled slightly. Those simple words gave her so much reassurance. She felt lighter, less scared, that he would just up and leave then.

"I guess you could say that it would be to be who I really want to be. I don't like who I am, and I don't I ever will. The person I want to be would never be accepted, but she is so damn beautiful. I just wish others could see her too."

Tears of relief and absolute feeling rolled down her face. Without speaking, Austin grabbed her hand. After a moment, he spoke.

"If it's worth anything, I think you're beautiful as is."

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