Chapter 24 - Senee

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Seth's POV

I walk Renee into my dressing room. I feel so bad, Renee should have never seen that. Roman had no right beating up Dean in front of Renee like that. I wonder what Roman's going to Dean now, and I wonder how Chloe's going to respond to this. I can't help but think that this is Chloe's fault. Maybe she should have kept to herself about Dean's burst in manhood. I don't think it was a good idea to tell Roman. He gets super protective with Chloe.

One time I gave Chloe a goodnight hug, and Roman almost punched me. Not just a friendly one, but a punch that said "touch her again, I'll kill you". That was my last time ever hugging Chloe around Roman. He scares me, he's a lot larger than me. I should be scared of him, everyone should be scared of him, even Dean.

When you first meet Dean, he seems like the kind of guy who's chill and just wants to relax and have a few beers. No. That's not the case at all. He's crazy. He's out there. Not, like, I'll catch him looking off into space, no. I'll catch him talking to himself or hitting his head. I think maybe he can hear voices in his head. Maybe that's just me, but still. One time, I caught Dean sitting in a corner talking to himself. I still remember what he was saying. "This is all your fault, you shouldn't have said that, now you lost her forever. She's never ever going to believe you." I get chills just thinking about it. He's a ticking bomb. One moment he's calm, one second later he's an explosion, kicking and knocking things over. I honestly don't know what got into him. But yet again, he could just be mental.

I open the door for Renee, she whispers a thank you, and walks in. I walk in after her; closing the door behind me. Renee takes a seat on the couch, and buries her face in her hands. Her shoulders heave up and down with deep sobs. I slowly walk behind her. Once I get to her, I bend down to whisper in her ear, "I'm sorry you had to see that."

She takes a deep gulp and lifts her head out of her hands. She wipes some runaway tears and turns around to look at me. Her makeup is destroyed, like a dog just came up to her and licked her face, making her makeup dance on her face. But she still looks beautiful. "It's not your fault, Seth." I frown. "But what did Dean do, anyways?"

I shake my head. "You don't want to know."

"I do, tell me," she demands.

"No, Renee. I'm not going to ruin your guys' relationship, that's not the kind of guy I am." I fold my arms.

She rolls her eyes. "Oh, come one. You and me both know that after this, who knows if Dean's still going to have a girlfriend."

I raise my eyebrows, "What?"

"Nothing," Renee quickly blurts out.

I chuckle. "Well, I can tell you that Chloe and Roman's relationship is probably over."

"Oh, yeah. I thought they were such a cute couple." Renee says. I nod my head agreeing with her. "Well, I better go check on Dean, to make sure he's okay." She stands up to walk out of the room, but I stand in front of her.

"Renee, do you even like Dean?" I ask.

"Yeah, of course!" She looks offended.

"Oh, that sucks," I say, scratching the back of my neck.

"Why's that?" She asks.

I suck in a nervous breath. "'Cuz I wanted to do this."

"Do wh-" I crash my lips into hers, causing her not to finish her sentence. She tenses, but relaxes against my lips. She kisses me back, and I kiss her back with the same amount of force she's giving me. After a moment, she pulls away trying to catch her breath. I stand there, smirking as she collects herself. "That was amazing. I don't think anyone has kissed me like that."

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