Chapter 19 - Abigail Who?

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Seth's POV

I'm sitting on the couch just thinking to myself; not being able to fall asleep. Chloe hasn't asked once for me, and I feel a little sad about it. I want to be her best friend, I know she doesn't get along with the Divas, so I would like to be the shoulder she cries on or the friend who she can tell anything too. Someone who she can actually trust. I know she can't trust Dean, but Roman? I'm not positive with him. Whenever Roman looks at Chloe, yeah, I see love, but the other half. I'm not sure, it's weird. He just doesn't seem like him, but I'm not positive, like I said.

My phone starts ringing, bringing me out of my train of thought. I pick up the phone and answer it; putting it up to my ear. "Hello?"

"Hi, Seth. I  was wondering if you'd like to go to the hospital and come say hi to Chloe?" Dean responds.

"Uh, sure! She's probably wondering where I've been!" I say, my voice evident with excitement.

"Alright, we'll be there in about five." Dean hangs up.

We? Is he back with Renee? Or did he find another woman? Wouldn't be surprised about that. I let out a sigh, getting off the couch, and walking to my bedroom. I get dressed and head down to the lobby. I sit in one of the couches, waiting for Dean and his mystery girl.


Dean's POV

Renee is driving to the hotel me and the boys are staying at. It's an okay hotel, it could use some work, but oh, well, I guess. Renee has been acting weird around me, ever since what happened a little while ago. It kind of sucks, because I do like this girl, but Chloe has just been invading my mind lately. Buy I'm going to try my hardest and only think about Renee and me.

Renee parks in front of the hotel I directed her to. I step out of the car, heading towards the hotel's doors. I open them, and I instantly see Seth sitting on one of the couches, in the lobby, on his phone. I roll my eyes. He always seems to be on his phone, but I guess it's for a good cause. He communicates with his fans, which is super cool. I wish I would find myself doing that one day, but I could never find myself having and Instagram, Twitter, or Tumblr account. It just hurts to think about.

I used to have an Instagram account when I was Jon Moxley, but it ruined me. It wasn't the fans or the other wrestlers. No. It was my father. He also had an Instagram account. He only had one because his only child had one. He would use his account to blackmail me. He would comment things he was going to do to me when I came home. None of the fans seemed to notice, though. They were too busy with getting the first or second comment or like.  Which I didn't mind them not noticing the rude comments Dad left, I didn't want them to worry for me, it wasn't their fault this was happening.

"Hey, Dean!" Seth looks up from his phone; turning it off.

"Hey, Seth. What's going on in the world of Instagram and Twitter?" I ask, walking towards him.

"Actually, something really surprising. There is a hashtag for Chloe." He replies, looking excited.

"What does it say?" I ask.

"Look for yourself." Seth turns back in his phone and hands it to me. I look through the pictures, under the hashtag #getwllsoonchloe, and also #bestdivaontheroster, of Chloe in a hospital bed, or in the ring. I look through the comments and she literally has zero haters, besides some here and there, but other than that, she has tons and tons of wonderful, supporting fans.  

I hand back the phone saying, "Wow. That's amazing."

"Isn't it? And guess what?" Seth clicks on his phone screen a couple times.

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