Chapter 22 - Hungry

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Paige's POV

I stand in front of one of the tv monitors, watching Kylie talk to one of the scariest, meanest, and strongest faction in the WWE right now. I really don't know what to say besides: Wow. This bitch is crazy.

Not only is she crazy, she's courageous. She's courageous enough to go out there and face the Shield. No other Diva or Superstar would do that. Well, she is dating Reigns and is more than likely friends with Rollins and Ambrose, but still. Do they frighten her the list bit? Probably not, which sucks for the other wrestlers, because that just shows how much better she is compared to us. But that's why the fans love her so much. She's not like any other Diva I know. She nothing like the Diva's in NXT and the WWE. She's a lunatic. It's obscured. Once again, that's what makes her such a good Diva, she's different from the rest. And the WWE Universe isn't used to that. They're so used to the Diva's being little ;scared of everything. That's not Kylie at all.

Another thing that separates her from us, the Divas, is her wrestling style. It blows me away like thin air. I wanted to ask her who trained her, but I'm too scared to ask. What if the guy was also as crazy as her, or more? What he was in jail and Kylie had to break him out? The possibilities are endless. It would also make sense because of all the scars on her face and legs. I know nothing about her past, but there are some wrestling companies that go the most extreme for entertainment. Some of those companies use the strangest weapons in a wrestling match, like chainsaws, knives, glass, etc. It's bizarre.

Kylie is a very talented girl and does, in fact, deserve a title shot.


Chloe's POV

I walk behind the curtain and bump into Paige. "Why would you do that?!" She screams.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"No one has ever challenged the Shield to a match," she says, her eyes big.

"Yeah, so?"

"A normal person wouldn't do that!" She screams again.

"She's not a normal person." A rough, deep voice states behind me. I turn around and am faced with Dean. He leans close to my face; the tip of our noses touching. "Isn't that right Sweetheart?" He cocks an eyebrow. I roll my eyes and push him away from me.

"Just because I acknowledged you were here, Ambrose, doesn't mean I forgive you." I turn back to Paige who seemed to vanish like smoke. "What?" She had no right in leaving me with a complete psychopath! Who knows what he's going to do to me!

Dean grabs my arm and turns me back around to face him. "Tell me who's going to be in your corner," he demands.

I shake my head, "No. I'm not going to tell you."

"Why not?" His face leans closer to mine. I can feel his minty breath on my face. I try to focus on him, but my mind races with thoughts I really shouldn't be thinking, especially about him.

"I ca-can't," I whisper, stuttering my words.

"Why not?" He pushes.

"I don't have them yet. I haven't talked to them yet." I say, embarrassing myself. Dean chuckles, which makes my cheeks grow with a deep crimson. Dean takes a moment to regain himself, and as he does so, he takes careful steps towards me and I back up as he steps closer. I find myself against a corner with Dean in front of me; his arms stretched out and his hands on either side of my face. He leans his face next to my ear.

"Do I make you nervous?" He whispers. I don't respond, too scared about this whole situation. To answer his question, though, yes. Yes, he does make me extremely nervous. Not just because he's a big, strong man that could kill me with one punch, no. I get nervous around him because I'm exceedingly attracted to him, like a magnet. And that scares me. I try not to show it, I try not to think about it, afraid Roman or Dean will read my mind. Or even Renee. "Answer me," Dean demands harshly.

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