Chapter Eight - New Guy, New Lies

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Chloe's POV

I look at the strange guy. "Um, well, I definitely don't know you, or them," I say, pointing to the black haired man and the two colored haired guy.

"Then, what do you remember?" He asks. 

"I remember that I moved to Florida because Vince McMahon sent me a letter saying he wanted me in the WWE. Also, I think I already debuted. But, the only thing that I really remember, who is super easy to talk about, is Jon." I say, my cheeks blushing.

"What do you remember about him?" The guy continues to question.

"Wait, I want to know your name before I tell you anything further," I say seriously. I want to know who this guy is and why he's here. I mean, this man is dangerously handsome. His eyes are so gorgeous, and his shaggy brown hair is the cutest! His arms are huge too. He obviously works for the WWE also. I wonder what his character is like, or if he's just himself out in the ring.

"I'm Dean Ambrose," he says, smirking a little bit. As if proud of saying his name.

"Who are they?" I ask, referring to the two other men in the room.

"I'm Roman Reigns." The guy with the black hair says smiling. This guy isn't so bad looking himself. He has a nice deep voice and also has large arms.

"And I'm Seth Rollins." I turn around and see the guy with two hair colors say. But damn, this guy is immensely attractive. His smile is just perfect. His eyes are also very beautiful.

"Now that I know everyone, I will tell you more information about this Jon guy," I pause, thinking about what I should say about the best person alive. "Well, he's the sweetest person I know," I say smiling. "He said that he was extremely proud of me to get a letter from WWE. He knew that getting to the WWE was my biggest dream in the world, and I finally completed that dream." I finish, looking at Dean.

"Anything more?" He asks, very interested.

"Jon was the most handsome person I know. I loved when his hair was pink and long. I also loved when he called me 'Chlo', I don't know why I liked it so much, I just did. However, those were not the best memories I have with him." I pause, leaving a little room for me to gather my thoughts."My most wonderful memory I share with Jon is him proposing the promise rings he got for me and him. It was the most adorable thing in the world," I smile, remembering that day.


Dean Ambrose's POV

Hearing Chloe talking about me like that, breaks my heart. It honestly does, because I have a plan that will benefit me, and only me. It won't be beneficial to Chloe, Seth, or Roman. Only me, like I said. This plan will destroy Chloe's heart, and I will not regret this decision. This little chapter in my life will start my new future, without Chloe.

"He was my one and on-" Chloe begins to say, but I interrupt her.

"Okay, that's enough." I look at her, and she frowns. "Do you have any questions?"

"Yeah. Where's Jon?" She sternly asks.

I sigh. "He said he wants nothing, and I mean nothing, to do with you. He said he completely lost interest in you, and that he found someone way better. I think I heard him say, Abby? Not sure on that one, so don't trust me with that name. But, I feel like I shouldn't say the rest of what he said, I don't want your feelings to get hurt." I say, maybe exaggerating a bit.

Chloe goes wide-eyed. Tears start falling from her emerald, green eyes. Her bottom lip quivers. "This isn't right," she shakes her head. "I think you talked to the wrong man, Dean."

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