Chapter 21 - Identical Wrestlers

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Chloe's POV

I sit in one of the chairs in catering. I look up at the tv screen in front of me and smile. Roman's in the ring fighting against Luke Harper. Lately, the Wyatts have been attacking the boys out of nowhere, and it's been kind of annoying me. All their promos have been directed towards me, it's been really strange. They would even visit me in the hospital, saying my time is almost here.

Time for what, though? Sometimes—more like all the time—they make absolutely no sense.

I look down at my plate and take a bite of one of the strawberries stacked together, like a red pyramid. I look back at the tv, and notice Roman getting ready to Superman Punch Luke. That's my cue! I quickly stand from the table and run to the gorilla. I wait there until my theme hits.

"I'm nuts, baby, I'm mad,

The craziest friend that you've ever had

You think I'm psycho, you think I'm gone

Tell the psychiatrist something is wrong"

The crowd bursts into cheers, and I grin. I run down the ramp, hitting people's hands along the way. I stop at the edge of the ring, with my hands on my hips, and with a little smirk on my face. Roman puts his fist down and balances his weight on the ropes while he's staring down at me.

"What do you want?!" He growls. I shrug my shoulders. Dean and Seth hop of the steel staircase, leaving their buddy's side. I turn to them, keeping my hands on my hips.

"What do you want Kylie?" Seth gets in my face.

"This," I turn on my heels and point to Roman getting pinned. 1...2...3! I smile at Seth and Dean and skip around the ring. I grab a microphone, and climb one of the steel staircases; getting into the middle of the ring. I kick the Wyatts out before turning to Dean and Seth, who are holding Roman up while looking at me with scowls. "Miami! How are you doing?" I shout into the microphone. I earn a huge explosion of cheers from the crowd, which has me grinning a mile a minute. "Have you guys noticed the injustice the Shield is causing, even though they think they're stopping it?" The crowd begins the "Yes!" Chant, copping Daniel Bryan's movements. "Yeah, me too!"

"You do know we're right here, right?" Seth interjects. He must have gotten handed a microphone.

"Um, yeah, I know." I shrug my shoulders. "Am I supposed to care?"

"You're supposed to care because we are the hounds of the business, we stomp on people who cause WWE injustice, and you just committed a little crime in our book, Kylie," Dean says glaring at me.

I roll my eyes and scoff. "I caused injustice? If anything, I saved these people from throwing up, you guys are really bad wrestlers." The crowd begins the "Yes!" Chant again. "And not only that, but you guys are not "hounds of justice", more like "chihuahuas of injustice". "

Dean snarls, spit flying from his lips. "Kylie Davis! We didn't just arrive back from a hospital. I'm pretty sure we're way better at performing in the ring than you are right now." Dean ignores my chihuahua statement and the crowd chanting "chihuahuas".

"Anyways, I'm getting really tired of the Shield messing things up for other Superstars and Divas, are you guys with me?" I raise an eyebrow, asking the Miami crowd. They answer with "Yes!" Chants once again. "Yeah, and I came to stop it."

I hear Seth, Roman, and Dean laughing into their microphone. I give them a questionable look. "What's so funny?" I ask, tapping my foot.

"You!" Roman shouts, taking the microphone from Dean. "How are you going to stop us?"

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