Chapter two - Waiting

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Chloe's POV

-three years later-

I still remember that day like it was yesterday. But in reality, it was three years ago. I miss Jon every day of my life. I don't understand or I don't even know how I'm living without Jon. Jon gave me a reason to live. Now, he's nowhere to be seen, he's thousands and thousands of miles away, so far, yet so close. People say the Earth is a small world, I guess there's a slight chance I could bump into him one day, it's highly unlikely to happen, though.

Tonight is the big night. The night where I debut for the WWE Universe. I'm extremely excited, but I wish Jon was here to witness this amazing night.

This always happens, no matter what I think of, Jon always pops up. I could be talking about Call of Duty, but wait, Jon and I played that game 24/7. Or I could say, I love heels, but then I'll think of Jon because he used to try on all my heels. It's getting so aggravating. I love Moxley, he promised me we'd be together, but he never even came to visit me, like he said he would. He calls me every night, or I should say, he called me every night.

He stopped calling me a while back, but I still wait for my phone to ring every night around 7:00 pm. That's when he usually called, but he stopped abruptly. He never told me he was done calling me, so my first conclusion was that he got super busy with CZW, but as the nights passed without him calling, I started thinking he just broke his phone, like any other heartsick girl is; waiting for her boyfriend to pick up. But reality hit me in the face: Jon's not calling me because he's busy with CZW or that he broke his phone, but that he found someone else. Someone who's a lot prettier than me, who has more to offer, who catches Jon's eyes. That girl is the most luckiest woman out there right now, she has the best guy in the world, and she's clueless about it.

" okay?" Asks an unknown voice.

I look up to see Wade Barrett with concern written all over his face.

"Yes," I reply simply.

"You sure?" He asks in his strong British accent.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say getting aggravated with him.

"You don't seem like it. You've been crying..." He trails on.

"What? I have?" I bring my hands up and wipe the tears from my eyes and the ones falling down my cheeks.

"Hmmm, yes you have." He says and walks away.

I roll my eyes. And I always seem to do this too. I think of Jon, and I cry without me knowing. It's absurd, I know.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and check to see if I have any missing calls, and to my disappointment, I have none. I sigh sadly and stick my phone back into my pocket.

My ring sparkles in the bright light, which catches my eyes. I hold my hand out and spread my fingers. It really is a beautiful ring. It's all silver, but in the middle is a diamond heart. On both sides of the heart is the word forever engraved into the ring. I shake my head, I don't know why I'm still wearing this ring, he hasn't talked to me in months.

I was about to take the ring off my finger when my phone starts ringing. I get this fuzzy feeling of hope in my heart, that's it's Jon who's calling. I take my phone out of my pocket, once again, and see who's calling me. I look at the caller ID and am immediately disappointed. It's only Stephanie McMahon.

I quickly answer it. "Hello?"

"Hello, Chloe. I need you to come to my office to discuss a different ring name for you, we cannot use your actual name." She states.

"Yes, ma'am. I'll be right there." I say to her, through the phone.

"Okay," Stephanie replies and hangs up.

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