Chapter 12- The Good Ol Times

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***Lucy's POV***

I woke up to the sound of soft snoring.... Wait what?!

"Natsu?!?" I shrieked and he grumbled.

"Another 5 more minutes..." And with that his arms tightened around my waist. I gotta admit, that was adorable. I softly pet his head and he stirred.

"But we gotta get to the guild, remember?" I softly spoke and he released me.

I sighed and stretched.

"Right, I remember! You're on my team now!" Natsu jumped up and grinned. I shot him a thumbs up and headed to the bathroom to change. I changed into the usual and headed out to my living room.

"Hey Lucy." Grey greeted.

"Oh hey Gr- What the heck are you doing in here?!" I screamed and he casually took a sip of tea.

"We're here to go on a mission." Erza smiled and took a sip.

"Did you really have to break into my apartment?!" I exclaimed and Happy flew up.

"AYE!" Mental facepalm.

"Alright, what kind of mission?" I asked, packing water in my bag.

"We have to kill a monster in a forest near the client's house. Celestial wizard suggested. 1,000,000J." Erza stated as if she had it all in memory.

"Wow, it must be pretty tough if its for 1 million J." I said and Grey jumped up.

"But were Team FlameHead! And we can take down anything."

"Hey!!!" Natsu complained and I covered my eyes.

"Grey. Clothes." I said and he quickly covered his hands over his boxers.

"I think we should get going." Erza finished her tea and Happy flew above.



"Dammit, we've searched for hours. We can't find the monster anywhere!" Natsu whined and Erza hit his head.

"He has to be here. I can sense dark magic around this place." Erza said and Natsu rubbed his head.

"Why don't we split up?" Grey suggested and Erza nodded.

"Lucy will go with me and you will go with Natsu and Happy." Erza concluded.

"With him?!?" They both exclaimed and Erza shot them a deadly glare.

"Aye sir!!!" All three of them yelled and scurried off.

"Geez, you guys haven't changed at all have you." I sighed and she patted my back.

"Lucy, not everyone knows, but after you left, Team Natsu became depressive. Natsu and Grey didn't fight, I wasn't as cheerful, and Happy wasn't as... Happy. We're glad you're back."

"Thanks Erza." I gushed and she continued on the path.

We then stopped in our tracks to hear a loud explosion.

"What the heck was that?!" I frantically asked and Erza started running towards it. I followed her. We then stopped and saw Natsu and Grey lying on the ground.

"This is not a time to be taking naps! Get up! Stand strong!" Erza demanded but they struggled to get up. We looked towards the beast. He was in a octopus shape with 6 beady eyes glowing red. He had 4 tentacles and one had Happy.

"Happy!!" I cried out.

"Luchee!!" He called back. The monster saw me and his eyes glared.

"W-what the...?" I stammered. Natsu and Grey mumbled something.

"The monster, our attacks don't work." Grey muttered.

"Too strong...." Natsu struggled to get up.

"Dammit, then what works?!" Erza asked angrily but they still tried to get up.

The beast screeched and started swinging its available tentacles.

"Celestial barrier!" I casted and a white light protected our team.

The monster screamed and used telepathy.

"Damn you celestial wizard..." He hissed.

"H-he can talk?!" Grey exclaimed.

"Apparently he's using telepathy. It seems like Lucy's celestial magic works against it." Erza concluded.

"In that case" I said, 2 glowing light swords appeared in my hands, "let me deal with it."

I charged towards the now smoking beast and he tried to block. I swung and chopped right through his tentacles. He screeched even more. I ran up and sliced him right on the body. I jumped down and clenched my arm.

"Dammit, this takes up most of my power." I cursed.

"Oi Luce, send us some of your light stuff, then we can help!" Natsu grinned.

"Yosh!" I replied and sent little glowing lights toward them.

"My flames, woah, are really burning now!" Natsu gasped in amazement, now holding up the golden flames.

"My swords feel, stronger." Erza said, holding up a new light sword.

"My ice is colder then ever!" Grey gasped and held up a shard of ice.

"Okay! Thanks to Luce, we have the power to take down this monster!" Natsu grinned and his fists ignited on fire.

"Yosh! Lets take him down!" Grey yelled and got out an ice sword.

"Charge!!!" Erza yelled and charged towards the monster.

"Crimson Lotus! Golden exploding flames!" Natsu casted a giant fire spell and the beast was blown back.

"Ice Make! Light swords!" Grey casted and slashed at the monster with 2 giant swords.

"Light sword!" Erza commanded and the sword grew of length. "Strike!" Erza struck down on the monster.

"Damn.... celestial wizard..." The monster cursed then disappeared into thin air.

"Ahhhh! Help!" Happy cried out. I leaped up and caught him just in time.

"Luchee..." He cried and buried his chest in my chest area. [kekeke]

"You okay Happy?" Natsu asked with a concerning voice.

"It was scary..." He cried and Natsu pet his head.

"We'll we defeated the monster." Grey said.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" We heard a voice in the distance.

"Huh?" I said and the man ran up to me and clasped my hand.

"Thank you thank you thank you for defeating that big big big scary monster! Here is the reward!" The man gave me a envelope.

"Thanks!" I said, realizing it was the client.

"We'd better get going then." Erza said and the man quickly clasped her hands.

"No no no! You must stay at my 5 star hotel for free! My treat!" The man twirled.

"Uh we-"

"Would love to stay at your hotel. Thank you." Erza cut me off.

"No no no thank you thank you thank you!" The man said and with that he led us to the giant 5 star hotel.


***Natsu's POV***

I looked at the great beds we got and sighed.

"What's wrong Natsu?" Erza asked and sat down.

"These beds are sooo big!" I grinned and fell back on one.

"I'm going to take a shower." Erza said and she left the room.

"I'm going to get us some dinner, you stay here flame brain." Grey said and I shot him a glare.

"I'm going too Natsu!" Happy called and shut the door.

I looked towards the balcony and Lucy was standing there peacefully in her kimono.

I sneaked up behind her and hugged her waist.

"Kyaaa!" She screamed and jumped up but I held her down.

"You're so cute!" I laughed and she tried to wriggle out of my grasp.

"Natsu?! You scared the living spirits out of me!!" She breathed heavily and stopped trying.

"What were you thinking about?" I smirked and she looked up at the stars and sighed.

"I was totally useless today, wasn't I?"

I then turned serious.

"What do you mean?" I asked and she shook her head.

"I didn't help at all!"

"Lucy, you gave us the magic to defeat that guy. Without you we would be crushed right now."

She then tucked her head into my chest.

"Thanks so much Natsu."

"For what?"

"For being there for me..." She sniffled and snuggled into my chest.

"Any time Luce." I said, wrapping my arm around her waist.

"Today's mission was fun, never the less." She said and sat down on the bed.

"Yeah, it was like the good ol times." I sighed. I accidentally tripped and landed over Lucy. She was now laying back and I was over her. If Erza and Grey saw us now-

"Oi, were all ba-" Grey's jaws dropped, including Erza, who was all red, and Happy who was snickering.

"He liiiiikes her." He purred.

"IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!!" Lucy and I both yelled.

Tonight was going to be a loooooong night, but good thing I had Lucy.


A:N Sorry for the extremely short chappie! As you all might know, I do dis all on meh iPad! It's painful, as hell. But soon, I might get a keyboard to go along so be patient for that!

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~Awkward Umbreon

Fairy Tail of My Heart (NaLu Fanfiction) [UNDERGOING SERIOUS EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now