Chapter Twenty-Four

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I wake up to a loud and obnoxious crying. I bolt up in bed and look around the room. My eyes land on a white crib in the center of the room. I pull back the blankets and get out of bed. My flowing white nightgown moves in the wind as I stride towards the crib.

"Rochelle." I say as I see the blue eyed baby girl. "Shh, mama is here." I say as I pick her up.

I stare at her brown hair that is speckled on her scalp. My eyes land on her piercing blue eyes that remind me of her father. I see her beautiful birthmark on her cheek and rub my thumb over it.

"I love you, baby girl." I say and she stares up at me. "You're so beautiful."

"Yes, she is." A cold voice says from behind me.

"What do you want Andrew?" I say as I turn around to look at him and my hold on Rochelle becomes tighter.

"I came here to collect." He says as he motions to my baby.

"Please, don't take her. She's my only child." I say as tears fall down my cheeks.

"A deal is a deal, dearie. You promised me a child and I expect a child! Give her to me!" Andrew booms and I cry as I look down at my only daughter.

"Please, I'll do anything else." I whisper as I stare at my daughter's eyes.

"No." He says and in a blink of an eye she disappears from my arms.

"No!" I cry out as I collapse on the floor.

"She doesn't deserve the Evil Queen as a mother. At least now she'll have a decent chance to be a powerful Queen." He says as he touches her sweet face.

"Please." I cry over and over again.

"She'll never know you and that is a blessing." He says as he disappears with my sweet baby girl in his evil arms.

"Rochelle!" I yell as my hands hit the floor repeatedly. "My daughter!"


"Regina! Are you okay?" Robin says as I bolt upright in bed.

My heartbeat is racing, sweat is covering my face and my clothes cling to me. My breathing races as I clutch my stomach. Robin puts his hands on my stomach and uses the other one to lift my chin.

"Honey, she is still here. Calm down, Regina. Take a deep breath and relax." He says and I try to calm my breaths.

"She was gone Robin. He took her and I couldn't do anything." I say through my tears.

"She's still here. Just talk to her." He says and I nod.

"Rochelle?" I say through my tears.

"Too loud." She says and I laugh as I try to quiet my tears.

"What did she say?" Robin asks me with a smile.

"She said that I was crying too loudly." I say and he laughs.

"Now, do you want to try to go back to sleep?" He asks me and I nod.

"Goodnight." He says as he wraps his arms around me. I finally fall into a peaceful sleep with my hands wrapped around my stomach.

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