Chapter Three

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"I don't understand why I have to go to this council meeting." I say as me and Snow walk down the hallway.

"Your presence is needed because you were queen for quite sometime and you have tons of experience."

"I actually don't. I don't know what it takes to run a kingdom. You are the princess and they love and listen to you. I trust that your judgement is right."

"You are not getting out of this. You were the mayor of Storybrooke for over 28 years. How is this any different?"

"Well, Storybrooke was easy. No one knew who I really was and there isn't magic to worry about."

"I never thought about it that way." Snow says while putting her hair behind her ear.

"Exactly. I honestly don't want to sit at a table with people who despise me and don't care about my opinion. Hell, they are pissed that we are in this mess in the first place."

"You are going whether you like it or not."

"When did you get so bossy?"

"When Emma was being stubborn. You can't have a stubborn daughter without being strict."

"Like mother like daughter." I say with a smirk.

"Hey!" Snow says while nudging my arm with her elbow. "On another note we will be discussing the plans for rebuilding the kingdom."

"Is that it?" I ask while not actually caring.

"I was also informed that some villages have been attached. We will also discuss this at the meeting."

"Well then after you." I say while motioning to the door. She pushes the double doors open and I follow her inside. I took my seat at the round table seated between Snow and the more tolerable Robin Hood.

"How about we get this started?" Snow says while looking around the table. Around the table some dwarfs, Granny, Red, Charming, Snow, Robin and I were happily seated.

"Okay, so first there have been some attacks in the villages. These flying monkeys have been attacking everyone. Sources say that it is almost like they are looking for something. What do you suppose we do?" Charming says.

"We could evacuate all the villages and move them into here." Snow suggests.

"How are we going to fit all those people in this castle?" Grumpy asks.

"Good point. Any ideas?" Snow asks around the table. No one said anything for a while and my gaze went to my hands. I grew bored and I start tracing patterns on my dress. "Regina, any suggestions?" Snow says while looking at me.

"We could send a small army to fight at the most vulnerable villages. After they are protected we should find the source of the monkeys." I say while looking at Snow and trying to keep my voice steady.

"That is a great idea. Any objections or more suggestions?" Snow says again looking around the table. Granny was knitting a rather horrid sweater and Red was under the table asleep in wolf form. The dwarves were gazing around looking lost and confused.

"May I say something your majesty?" The thief says addressing Snow.

"Yes, you may Robin."

"Well, why don't you rebuild your castle and move some of the villagers there?"

"Time is of the essence and there are people dying." I say.

"For once you aren't the one killing them." Grumpy says from the other side of the table. My hand was fighting the urge to turn that pink dwarf into a shade of icy blue. Snow noticed and places her hand on mine.

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