Chapter Five

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"Regina!" I hear someone whisper as they drag out the 'a'. I instantly swat them away and roll over on my side. "You have to wake up. I will drag you out of bed again."

"Snow?" I ask realizing who was waking me at such an early hour.

"Regina, it's time for breakfast. I won't eat without you."

"Then starve." I simply say in a sluggish voice. She lays next to me and I can feel her eyes staring into my soul. I pop my eyes open to see her staring directly at me.

"What time is it?" I ask in a hushed voice.

"It's almost 7:30." I rolled back over and shut my eyes. Her hands were on my shoulders in a few seconds vigorously shaking me. "Wake up!"

"Fine." I say flatly as I roll out of bed. I walk over to one of my mirrors and see the rats nest on my head that I have to conquer this morning.

"I'll see you down there in five minutes." She says as she walks out of my room. How the hell am I suppose to look presentable in five minutes? I felt the magic pulse in my veins and I realized that I'll just have magic assist me. A cloud of smoke engulfs me and leaves me fully clothed with a sophisticated look. I was dressed in a tight black dress that has a more modern look with its exposed back and deep neckline. My hair was delicately pinned to my head in an exquisite manner.

I dragged myself out of my room still groggy from waking up. I was walking to the dining hall when I felt two small hands hug my legs. Unfortunately my balance was off and I fell into two strong hands. I looked up and saw Robin. I saw his face and instantly smiled.

"Roland, apologize for knocking over the queen." Robin said while helping me stand up straight.

"I'm sorry your majesty." I hear Roland say as he bowed and his curly locks touched the ground.

"Apology accepted Roland. How are you this morning?" I say while picking him up and tickling him slightly causing him to giggle.

"I'm doing great now that I saw you Gina!" He says with a smile plastered on his face between his dimples.

"I'm glad Roland. Shall we go to breakfast?"

"We shall." He says as he snuggles into my side. We start walking to the dining hall in silence until Robin breaks it.

"Hello, Regina." He says slowly. Hearing his voice say my name made my whole body tingle.

"Hi, Robin."

"I have a surprise for you." The last surprise I had was my mother accepting a proposal on my behalf to a man who was older than her.

"I'm not good with surprises. Can you just tell me?"

"Of course. I've arranged for us to go riding in the afternoon. I will take you into the forests I have lived in for most of my life."

"Oh, that's great Robin. I haven't been riding in a long time." I say with a smile. We enter the dining hall and Roland jumps down and runs over to a small group of kids. I wave goodbye to Robin and then I head to the head of the table to sit with Snow.

"What the hell are you eating?" I say as I sit next to Snow.

"Pickles and peanut butter and it's so good! Do you want some?" She asks while holding a pickle in my face.

"No, I'd rather eat something more normal." After I say this a maid serves me breakfast.

"You call that normal?" Snow asks while motioning to my plate of egg whites and potatoes.

"Yes, it's very normal. Just keep your pickles away from me." I say as I start to eat.

After breakfast I walk back to my chambers in silence. I was completely exhausted from yesterday and all I wanted to do was sleep. I crawled straight into bed and didn't bother to even change my clothes. My eyelids grew heavy and I was fast asleep within seconds.

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