Chapter Fifteen

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I'm standing in front of the mirror admiring my dress. I didn't really care for the ball so I told Snow to design my dress. I just didn't know that she would create something I actually like.

It's a black sleeveless sweetheart dress with a bejeweled corset. The corset fits me perfectly. I run my fingers through the black fluffy skirts. This dress is so perfect and I love it. I might actually thank Snow before I incinerate her.

"You look stunning." Robin says breathlessly and I turn to meet his gaze.

He is dressed in a tailored tuxedo.The fabric clings to his perfect muscles. The tuxedo jacket is unbuttoned and reveals a dark green button up shirt.

"Robin you look great." I say as I walk towards him.

"Thank you milady. I got this for you." He gestures to a small red rose in his hand. He walks closer to me and gingerly places it in my hair that I decided to leave in its natural curls.

"Thank you so much. I couldn't have done any of this without you." I say before I give him a kiss on his cheek.

"You don't have to thank me. Taking you to the ball is all the thanks I need. Shall we?" He says as he puts out his hand.

"We shall." I say with a small smile and I grab his hand. We exit my room and walk hand in hand towards the ballroom.

"Are you looking forward to the new year?" Robin says while breaking our comfortable silence.

"I'm looking forward to my second chance at life. A chance to be good and  a chance to be in love with you." I say as I stare into his handsome blue eyes.

"I'm looking forward to having you by my side for the rest of my life." He says as he squeezes my hand.

"The rest of your life?"

"I intend on marrying you one day and I want you at my side till the end of time. Your the woman I love and I can't imagine a life without you."

"You want to marry me?" I ask stupidly. Even though Robin is my soulmate I never imagined him proposing.

"Absolutely. I am not asking you now so don't worry. If I did ask you would you say yes?"

"Yes, I would marry you." I say without thinking. "I love you Robin."

"I love you too. Now let's go have fun." He says with a smile as we get closer to the ballroom.

Robin enters the ballroom with Little John and Charming. I wait outside with Snow so we can be announced. While waiting she keeps staring at me.

"Why are you smiling? I'm glad to see you happy but why?" Snow asks as she plays with the sleeves of her red dress.

"I honestly would tell you but it's a secret and we all know that you can't keep a secret."

"I was ten!" She yells as her hands fly all over the place. "You have to tell me!"

"Robin just admitted that he intends on marrying me. I just never thought it was possible for me to get a relatively happy ending."

"Congratulations! You will finally get a happy ending that you deserve. I'm really happy for you. I'll see you later." Snow says before she walks into the ballroom.

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