Chapter Thirteen

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"Let's celebrate Christmas Eve!" Snow beamed.

"You do realize that Christmas Eve is almost over." I say before I take a sip of my hot chocolate. Snow and I were now sitting in the kitchen.

"So what there's like three hours left. Let's make it count. We should have a snowball fight. You and me against Robin and Charming, what do you say?"

"A snowball fight? That's awfully juvenile. I don't know."

"Come on, it would be fun!"

"It is freezing cold and we are in pajamas. No, there is no way I will agree to this."

"Agree to what?" Charming says as he walks in with Robin.

"Regina won't have a snowball fight with us. She says that it's juvenile." Snow explains.

"It is juvenile." Robin says.

"Thank you! At least someone is on my side."

"Not necessarily. Although it is juvenile it would be a lot of fun." Robin retorts.

"You shouldn't disagree with Regina. It's very dangerous." Charming says.

"Thank you blondie!" I remark.

"Come on it would be fun!" Robin says.

"Fine, only for five minute."

"Yes! You won't regret this!" Snow screams. She pulls me out my chair and drags me outside. Charming and Robin followed close behind us.

"You are crazy. We could get sick and none of us even have a cloak on."

"I don't care. Let's go have fun!" Snow yells as she frolics in the snow.

"You need to grow up." I say as I follow her.

"You need to stop growing. Be young and relax for once!" Snow says.

"You know she's right love." Robin says as he walks up behind me.

"I know." I sigh.

Robin pushes me and I fall in a heap of snow. The snow is freezing and I hate it. A ball of snow is thrown at my face and stings my cheeks. I wipe the snow off my face and I see Robin and Snow laughing at me.

"You guys are five year olds." I say as I get up from the snow.

"No, I think I'm about four!" Snow yells.

I gather some snow and roll it into a ball. I aim at Robin and throw it at his face. After he overcomes his shock he starts to make a snowball. Before it is even finished I use my magic and push him into the snow.

"That's not fair Regina!" He yells.

"Life isn't fair my thief!" I yell back at him with a laugh.

"You guys are so cute!" Snow says. I push her into the snow with my magic as well.

"Hey!" She yells.

"Maybe you're right this is fun." I say as I throw a snowball at Charming.

We spend about an hour in the freezing cold. We made snowmen and snow angels. I laughed through the whole thing. There was a snowball fight between Snow and I against Charming and Robin. Let's just say the boys lost.

"We'll see you tomorrow!" Snow says as she walks inside the castle with Charming.

"Did you have fun?" Robin asks me as he wraps an arm around me.

"I had a great time. I just wish it wasn't so cold." I say as I wrap my arms around myself.

"Take my cloak." Robin says as he drapes his cloak on my shoulders.

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