433 18 13

It is my most important duty, to warn all of you who haven't read the Harry Potter series to NOT read this section. I'm serious. This is the scene that no body wants ruined. 

So don't read it.

Pick up a book, go to the library, for goodness sakes, watch the movie if you want to, but don't ruin it for yourselves like this. 

Still reading? 

Well it's all on you now. 

DUMBLEDORE: Harry we need to go get a known Horcrux. I know where it's hidden. 

HARRY: Let's roll

They apparate to a cave. Dumbledore cuts himself and drops some blood at the entrance.


Dumbledore and Harry get on a row boat and make their way across a lake inside the cave. Then they stop on this island thing and there's a fountain thing there with a cup. 

DUMBLEDORE: Harry I need you to feed me that potion. Don't stop even if I tell you to. I need to drink the whole thing. 

HARRY: sure? (not how I imagined I'd spend my afternoon)

Harry feeds Dumbledore the potion.

DUMBLEDORE: I'm melllltiiing!! 

HARRY: hey look I found a necklace in here! 

Zombie start coming out of the lake. 

HARRY: Great

Harry and Dumbledore zap away the zombies, and row back out of the lake again and barely escape with their lives and their bladders in tact. 

HARRY: Man that was a close one! At least we're safely back at Hogwarts now. 

At Hogwarts in the top tower.

Draco Malfoy points his wand at Dumbledore and disarms him. 

Harry: wtf? well that's fantastic

DRACO: I'm gonna kill you old man.

DUMBLEDORE: Come at me bro

SNAPE: Move over, you're such a wimp Draco

DUMBLEDORE: Serverus please

SNAPE: avada kedavra

and the world just ended

Let's have a moment of silence for Albus Dumbledore, the best damn character to come along in a long time. 

The seventh book will be coming soon! 

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