Rise of the Secret Soldiers

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My first semester at university had come and gone, and I was surprised at just how fast it went. I never expected to truly enjoy my classes, but I did. All my professors were amazing, and I was actually going to miss them. But most of all, I was going to miss my friends. Cam and I were going to be roommates next semester, and I was positive that we were all going to see each other again, but I would miss them during our break. They all lived here while I lived in California, where I would be during our little vacation. 

I knew my family was excited to have me back home, but a part of me was nervous. Chase and I haven't lived together since I moved out, and even though we were back together, we weren't the same we used to be. If I came for a quick visit, he would greet me with a kiss and short hug, almost as if he were afraid to do something more. If we sat next to each other, he wouldn't hold my hand or place his hand on my thigh. Even though I said I wanted to take things slow, I was in desperate need of some physical contact. 

"Good news, my famous bionic peeps!" Leo announced, sporting a smile as he carried a box inside. I had already been home for a week, and was just relaxing and lounging around the house in that time. "Your new PR guy came through big time."

"Please tell me it's not another celebrity game show." Chase begged. "We always lose." 

"Probably because one of us always hits the buzzer too soon, and doesn't know the answer!" Bree noted, glancing at Adam. 

He gave a look of shock. "In my defense, I thought hitting the buzzer was the right answer." 

Shaking our heads, we turned our attention back to Leo. "You remember that big magazine interview I got you guys? The article just came out, thanks to yours truly, Leo Dooley of Dooley Entertainment, a subsidiary of LeoCorp." 



Jumping up from their seats, Adam, Bree, and Chase ran towards their youngest sibling, snatching the magazines out of his hands. I remained seated at the kitchen island, knowing that I wasn't in the magazine. I hadn't been apart of the interview, my reasoning being that I didn't want to be. I didn't care about being "famous." 

I noticed the looks on their faces as they read the magazine. Surprise and confusion. "Wait, the-the reporter interviewed all of us. Why is Adam the only one on the cover?" Bree questioned. 

Said boy laughed. 

"This whole article makes it sound like he's in charge." Chase pointed out, before reading a passage from the article. "'Adam Davenport is the bionic team's leader, strong man, and all-around superstar?'"

"Ah, finally, someone gets how things work around here!" Adam exclaimed. 

"Hold on, listen to this." Bree said. "'Along with Adam's little brother, the girl helps him on missions.' It's like you and I barely even exist!" She threw the magazine into the box, furious. 

"What are you talking about?" Adam asked. "You guys are mentioned right here, see? 'Bree and Chase Davenport not pictured.'" 

Scoffs were heard all around, one even making its way out of my mouth. 

"Hey, guys, what's going on?" Davenport swiftly walked into the living room, greeting us with a question. 

Magazine in hand, Chase, followed by Bree approached their father. "This article totally misrepresents how our team works. People are gonna think that Adam is the only one who does anything."

"Oh, don't worry. I'll set the record straight and tell 'em the girl does stuff, too." Adam assured him. 

Bree rolled her eyes at his comment. 

Life Turned Upside Down (Chase Davenport/ Lab Rats Story) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now