The Fire

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I rolled my eyes and groaned, my phone ringing for the fifth time. The moment I saw her name on my screen, I hit decline and shut it off. I was so tired of the constant calls, and I was afraid of saying something disrespectful if I finally picked up. I just wished she would give it a rest already.

"Your aunt again?" Chase guessed, removing my books from my arms and placing them in my locker.

"Yup." I grabbed my bag and slammed my locker shut. "And if she doesn't stop calling, I'm going to stab a pen in my eye."

He chuckled and kissed my cheek. "Do you even know what she wants?"

"She wants want to check up on me." I said. "Ever since the world found out about you guys, she's been texting me nonstop. She's afraid that you're gonna turn on us or some shit." I rolled my eyes, leaning against the wall of lockers before lowering my voice to a whisper. "If she found out I was bionic, she would never talk to me again. And it might be my annoyance talking, but I'm willing to take that risk."

He stared at me, his jaw slightly slack. "Your aunt doesn't trust us?"

"N-No, not really." I murmured, frowning.

He nodded slowly, an unreadable expression on his face. I knew he hated when people thought he and his siblings were some evil, man killing machines, and it wasn't helping that this one person was my aunt. They had met only once, when she had to come to Mission Creek to meet a client, and she immediately took a liking to him. And from all the texts she had sent me, that was no longer the case.

Taking in his silence as something negative, I continued. "No matter what my aunt says will change how I feel about you. She doesn't understand how bionics work, and she doesn't want to get that you guys are the good guys. She'll do anything to find a reason to take me to New York, even if it involves proving that you guys are evil." I stepped closer and cupped his cheek. "Which won't happen."

"S-She wants to take you away?" He questioned, shocked. Though I found it slightly amusing that he only seemed to have heard that part, I nodded. Grabbing my hand, he dragged me across the hall and shoved me into the janitor's closet, locking the door behind him. He flipped on the switch, pushed me up against the wall, and crashed his lips onto mine. Once the initial shock passed, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back. I ignored the chemical smells fuming up the room, only focusing on Chase. I didn't know exactly what he was thinking, but I had a pretty good idea.

"She isn't taking you away." He murmured against my lips. "Let her think we're the bad guys, I don't care. But there is no way in hell that she's taking you away from me."

If my heart was made out of butter, it would've melted. "Chase, I promise you that she isn't taking me away. She can call and text me all she wants, but I'm not going anywhere. I know she's only looking out for me, but taking me away from my home would only make me upset, and I know she doesn't want that happening." I pecked his lips softly. "I'm not going anywhere." 

He made no movement, not even bothering to nod, but gave a small smile a moment later. "Good." I smiled back. "Now, let's get the hell out of this closet before we pass out from the fumes." 

"Good idea." He agreed, shutting the light off and pulling me out of the closet. The halls were empty, and both our eyes widened in realization. We were late for class. "Crap, crap, crap!" Chase bolted down the hallway, his arms flailing around wildly.

Laughing, I walked off in the other direction.


"Substitute? Hell yes." Sinking down into the seat next to me, Bree dropped her bag on the floor and pulled out her phone. With a substitute in class, I knew we wouldn't be doing any work. And seeing as how the substitute was currently nodding off, I was almost positive.  "Should I take a nap or read my magazine?"

Life Turned Upside Down (Chase Davenport/ Lab Rats Story) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now