Principal From Another Planet

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I was in the kitchen with Chase getting ready for the Lunar Eclipse when Adam came down. Chase picked up the plate of freeze dried food pellets, before walking over to his brother.

“Hey! Adam! You’re just in time. I’m having a viewing party for tonight’s big Lunar Eclipse!” He was so excited.

Adam had a blank look on his face. He quickly turned around, then looked at Chase. “Yup. All dude’s no girls. Definitely a Chase party.”

I walked over to the boys, a hand on my hip. “Adam. Do I look like a boy to you?”

He shrugged. “You occasionally wear Chase’s shirts.” I couldn’t help but blush, but that quickly faded when Adam continued. “Then again, Chase does have some girly shirts.”

Chase scowled, then composed himself. “It’s gonna be awesome. I even prepared an out of this world feast. These are freeze dried food pellets. Just like the one’s astronauts eat.” He was waving around a pellet as he talked. “Each one contains an entire meal. This is turkey, peas, and mashed potatoes.” He popped the one he was holding in his mouth.

Adam grabbed one. “Wow. Congrats, Chase. You actually found a way to ruin food.”

“No! I made it better.” Chase said, his food still in his mouth.

“Babe, don’t talk with your mouth full.” I told him, grimacing.  He swallowed his food, giving me a sheepish smile after.

“Oh, really?” Adam questioned. “Food fight!” He threw the pellet at Chase’s chest. It just bounced off and landed on the floor. “See, that’s just lame.”

Davenport suddenly ran in. The front door was open and he was outside getting ready for the Eclipse. “Come on, guys! You’re gonna miss the Lunar Eclipse! I haven’t been this excited since the meteor shower of ’98!”

Chase literally ran out, while Adam and I slowly walked out. I appeared by Chase’s side while Adam said something to Davenport.

“I cannot wait to see this!” Chase exclaimed, hovering over the telescope.

“Well you’re going to have to.” Davenport said. He pushed Chase, causing him to almost fall over. Davenport laughed and placed himself in front of the telescope. “It’s beautiful.”

“Let me see. Let me see.” Chase mumbled, pushing Davenport aside.

“My turn.” Adam pushed Chase, not giving his brother the chance to check out the Lunar Eclipse. “Wow! Cool! What am I looking at?”

“Adam, a Lunar Eclipse is a rare and breathtaking event.” Davenport explained. “The moon is passing directly behind the earth, blocking the light that normally illuminates.”

“Wow!” Adam exclaimed, although I knew he still didn’t understand. “Nothing more exciting than a slow moving shadow.” Never mind. He did understand.

“Watching a Lunar Eclipse takes time.” Davenport continued. “Patience. We’re going to be here all night.”

“Oh, great. It’s like a sleepover, minus the fun.”

“Hey, what are you guys doing?” Bree asked, walking out to join us.

Chase, who had stepped forward to look through the telescope answered. “Watching the Lunar Eclipse.”

“Cool! Let me see!” She exclaimed, shoving Chase aside, before he could look. This time, he actually fell on the floor.

“Oh, come on!” He snapped.

“Now that’s worth watching.” Adam grinned down at his brother.

While the three Davenports looked through the telescope, I lent my hand for Chase to grab. With a groan, he accepted and I pulled him up.

Life Turned Upside Down (Chase Davenport/ Lab Rats Story) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now