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Here is the episode you've all been waiting for! Hope you enjoy!

Chase POV

My eyes scanned the ruptured pipe that was leaking natural gas. "Guys, the rupture's getting worse." Bree commented.

"That's natural gas. We have to fix that leak or it will explode. Go check the rest of the pipeline for cracks." I ordered Bree.

"On it." She nodded and sped off.

I pulled out my handheld scanner and scanned the pipe. "Oh, we have to move fast. The whole pipe is unstable." I told Adam.

He was leaning against the pipe, as if we weren't on an important mission. "You ever wonder what it'd be like if we weren't bionic? What's, like, the first thing you'd do?"

I turned to him, a look of annoyance on my face. "Not get trapped in these stupid conversations.

He didn't catch the annoyance I was basically radiating. "You know what I would do if I wasn't bionic? Try to become bionic."

I rolled my eyes at my brother's stupidity. "Can we just do this?" All I wanted to do was complete the mission and go home.

Adam sighed and propped himself off the pipe. "Fine. I'll seal the crack with my heat vision."

I stopped him before he could. "Yes, let's shoot blistering heat at flammable gas."

Adam stared at me, obviously not realizing I was speaking sarcastically. "I just said that. Were you not listening?"

My jaw twitched. "Just let me contain it with my force field first." I lifted my hands, creating the force field and holding it around the ruptured area, preventing the gas from hitting Adam. "Alright, it's only going to hold it for a few seconds. Go."

He didn't answer, but focused on the rupture. Two red lasers escaped his eyes and hit the rupture, fusing it shut. "Pipes secure."

Suddenly, Bree sped back over to us. She was covered in rashes and leaves. "Checked all two hundred miles. Seventy of which had poison oak."

I stared at her as she began to scratch her neck. "Alright, let's get out of here."

"Alright, grab on." She ordered, looking like she was fighting off scratching.

I cleared my throat awkwardly. "Actually, I'm gonna take the bus."

"Me too." Adam agreed. And with that, we ran off.

Alex POV

I rolled over in my bed, groaning as I did. I knew I needed to get up for school, but I couldn't find the strength to. After a few minutes of lying down, I managed to roll out of bed and trudge myself to the bathroom. One glance in the mirror and I almost gasped.

I had dark circles under my eyes that were very prominent, and I was extremely pale. I hadn't been feeling well the past couple of days, but this was the first time I was looking like this. And although I was afraid to admit it, I had a feeling I knew what was wrong with me.

My heart failure was worsening.

I had looked up the signs of worsening heart failure, and I was sad to say that I had most. It was scary realizing that I was basically dying. But what was worse was that I had yet to tell anyone. I guess I just hoped that I would get better, but I knew that wasn't the case. I most likely needed a heart transplant.

"I'll tell them today." I muttered, running a hand through my tangled hair.

After brushing my teeth and changing my clothes, I grabbed my bag and hurried downstairs. Everyone was waiting by the front door, obviously in a hurry to get to school. I took so long to get ready that I probably made everyone late for school.

Life Turned Upside Down (Chase Davenport/ Lab Rats Story) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now