Three Minus Bree

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Adam, Leo, Chase, and I were hanging out in between classes when Bree approached us. “Hey. Did you guys know we had a Study Abroad program?”

“Why would I go to another country to do something I don’t do here?” Adam asked.

I rolled my eyes, mentally taping Adam’s mouth with duct tape. I sometimes wondered if he was dropped on his head as a baby. That would explain so many things.

“Look,” Bree said, opening the pamphlet about the program. “It says you get to spend a whole semester at a high school in Australia. And guess what? I applied.”

“Cool. Kelly Porter went last year. She got sucker punched by a kangaroo.” Leo informed her.

Bree immediately shook her head. “Uh, no, no, no. No way. This is my thing. I mean I can finally be on my own. I can study, travel, make new friends…”

“Mmm…I hate to be a wet blanket.” Chase interjected.

“No you don’t.” Leo shook his head.

Chase ignored him. “But Mr. Davenport is never gonna let you do this.” He told his sister. “You can’t go on missions if you’re halfway across the world.”

“Well, sure I can. I mean I haven’t figured out all the details yet, but there’s gotta be a way to make it work.” Bree was really persistent on going.

“Not unless these two can unlock a new ability to make up for you not being here.” Leo said, pointing to my boyfriend and Adam.

“Ooh. Well maybe I can unlock an ability where I disappear and reappear somewhere else.” Adam said. “Let me try.” He got into a squatting position and started grunting. Once he was done, he opened his eyes. “Did it work?”

Chase smirked. “You didn’t do it long enough. Try it again. This time, more grunting.”

While Adam tried to unlock a new ability, the four of us hurried over to the other side of him. We all cheered for him when he noticed we were on the other side, letting him believe he unlocked a new ability.

Oh, Adam.


When Saturday arrived, I was relieved. School was becoming overwhelming with all the work we were getting. I just wanted to relax, and relaxing included just sitting on the couch, my phone in my hand. Bree and Adam were sitting next to me, and Chase was tuning his guitar in the dining room. Weird place, but I didn’t comment.

“Bree, is there something you wanna tell me?” Davenport asked, walking into the living room. He didn’t look happy at all.

“I got this.” Adam said, standing up. “Look, we all like you, but we think Tasha could’ve done better.”

Davenport just gave him a look before returning his attention to Bree. “I just got a phone call that said you’ve been accepted to study in Australia?”

“Wait? What?” Bree let out a laugh, shocked, as she stood up. “That’s crazy! Did they mention what day I’m leaving?”

“You’re not going.” Davenport told her.

“Why?” She asked.

“Come on, Bree!” Chase said from the kitchen. “It was obvious! Even Adam saw that one coming.”

“No idea what you’re talking about.” Adam said, shutting the fridge door. “Already moved on to cold cuts.”

Davenport sighed. “You can’t abandon the team. What if Adam and Chase picked up and left for a month?”

Life Turned Upside Down (Chase Davenport/ Lab Rats Story) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now