Sink or Swim Part 2

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Here's part 2! Enjoy!

No One's POV

Adam, Bree, and Chase sat on the floor, waiting for someone to get them. They had been like that for hours, but no one had come to get them yet.

Just then, the captain walked over to them. "Good news. The coast guard's bringing another ship to arrest you. Well, good for us, bad for you." He chuckled. "I guess I should have just said bad news.

"Wait, what about the submarine?" Bree asked.

He sighed. "It doesn't look good. It's tough being this close and realizing there's nothing anyone can do to help." He walked back over to his crew.

Adam and Bree looked at Chase. "Chase we have to do something."

"Yeah, we're the only ones who can save them." Adam agreed.

Chase sighed. "You do realize that we'd be giving ourselves up? Our lives will be over."

"Chase, are you listening to yourself?" Bree questioned. "Those people are going to die if we don't help them."

"We can't let them happen." Adam added, his tone serious.

Chase sighed and stood up. "Who am I kidding? Of course we have to help. Bree, how fast can you subdue the crew?"

"Look who you're talking to." Bree replied. "Fast is my middle name."

"Lucky!" Adam whined. "Mine's Charles."

Chase ignored him. "Adam, once I give you the coordinates, use your strength to repel yourself deep enough to reach the sub. Then you can divert it to the surface."

Adam nodded. "Got it. And you can boss people around like you usually do."

"I do not boss people around!" He snapped. "I lead. I'm a leader."

"Come on!" Bree exclaimed. She sped towards the crew, grabbing a rope and tied them all together before locking them below deck.

"Done." She announced when she returned. "Your turn." She looked at Chase.

He nodded. "Alright. This is it. I'm activating my GPS." He activated his bionics and connected to a satellite, quickly sending the coordinates to Adam.

"Oh!" Adam laughed. "Got them!"

"Let's do this." Chase ordered. Adam ran to the railing, but Bree didn't let Chase go any further.

"Chase, we've never trained for an underwater rescue mission." She said.

"I know." He sighed. "We're just going to take our chances."

"Cannonball!" Adam shouted, jumping into the water.

Both siblings ran over to the railing. "And right now, I'm not really liking our chances."

They waited patiently for the submarine to resurface, but they were still nervous. So many things could go wrong, and all the scenarios pretty much included people dying.

Relief washed over them when they saw the submarine surface. Adam had actually done it. He located the submarine and was able to divert to the surface. The siblings hugged, smiles on their faces. They helped save lives, and it felt great.

Minutes went by and there was no sign of Adam. "Where's Adam?" Bree asked. "Adam?"

"Adam?" Chase called. Nothing. "Adam!"

The colors drained from their faces and a feeling of dread washed over them. "He's been down there for too long." Chase said. "No one can go that long without oxygen."

Life Turned Upside Down (Chase Davenport/ Lab Rats Story) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now