Armed and Dangerous

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"I can't believe we weren't allowed to walk with them to school." I grumbled to Leo, my back against the wall of lockers.

Students were crowding the hallway, awaiting the arrival of Agent Graham and the bionic teens. They had their phones out, ready to record and take pictures of them the second they stepped foot into the building.

They were like freakin' paparazzi.

"We would be able to if we just told the world that we were bionic." He replied in a whisper, not wanting the students to overhear.

I elbowed him in the gut. "We are not telling anyone, especially the government. We need to keep it a secret, Leo."

He opened his mouth, but quickly shut it when Agent Graham walked in. "Students of Mission Creek, please welcome your bionic super humans!"

The school erupted into applause as Adam, Bree, and Chase walked in, proud grins on their faces. Even though I found this a bit odd, I clapped for them as well.

"And our trust little mascot, Chase!" Adam joked, patting Chase on the chest. My boyfriend just gave him an annoyed look.

Agent Graham was talking into a camera, letting the world know how he was in charge of them. That didn't sit right with me at all. He was acting like they weren't even people, more like animals.

Deciding to not listen to him basically brag about himself, I walked over to my friends, Leo trailing behind me. Chase instantly grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together.

"This is so amazing." He commented. "It's like we're celebrities."

Agent Graham came up behind us. "We are." He confirmed. "And this is just the beginning."

I rolled my eyes. I so desperately wanted to geo leap him to the bottom of the ocean.

"I can't believe that people are so shallow they only like us because we're bionic." Bree said. She suddenly grinned. "This is awesome!"

I looked at Adam who was autographing a girl's head. "There you go. One autographed forehead for Pam." Pam smiled and turned to walk away, and I bit back a chuckle when I caught a glimpse of the autograph. Adam did not know what an autograph was.

I turned to Chase who was chatting up with some students, and I frowned. They never talked to Chase until they found out he was bionic. Everyone was acting completely different and treating Adam, Bree, and Chase like they were the most famous people in the world.

"I'll see you guys later." I mumbled, untangling my hand from Chase's. He completely ignored me and continued on chatting. I clenched my jaw and stalked off to class, anger bubbling up inside.

If I had one wish, I would wish that the world never found out there secret.

I was happy that they were finally getting the recognition they deserved, but they were letting this attention get to their heads.


I watched later that day as Davenport attempted to carry a large barrel across the lab. It was quite amusing, actually.

He stopped and looked at the agents who were working by the cyber desk. "No, don't get up, I got it."

Just then, my friends and Agent Graham walked in, laughing. Davenport set the barrel down and stared at them questioningly. "What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing." Chase dismissed.

"Agent Graham said the most amazing piece of technology in the whole lab's your hair." Adam explained, causing another round of laughter.

Life Turned Upside Down (Chase Davenport/ Lab Rats Story) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now