Jealousy At Its Finest

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I wanted to do an original chapter before I start writing the next episode, so here ya go! And I was a little disappointed in the amount of votes I received on the last chapter. I work really hard on them, and when I don't receive a certain amount of votes, I feel like my writing sucks. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, but my chapters used to get 40 votes, and the last one got 19. Did I lose readers because I take too long to write, or because my writing became sucky? If any of those are the reason, then I'm sorry.

"Nope. No. Definitely not." I rummaged through my closet, trying to find the perfect outfit to wear to the movies with Chase. Normally I wouldn't care what I wore on a date, but ever since the bionic secret was revealed, people have been taking pictures left and right.

There have been quite a few pictures of me with Chase that I wish I could burn.

After changing into a pair of skinny jeans followed by a blue blouse, I slipped on my converses and hurried downstairs. Chase was waiting by the couch, dressed in a red plaid shirt with dark blue jeans and black high tops.


"Hey, ready to go?" I questioned, pecking his cheek quickly. 

He nodded and dangled his car keys in front of me. "Yup. And we might have time to grab a bite to eat at the diner next to the theater. Sound good?" 

I smiled. "Sounds great. I'm starving." 

"So not shocked." 

"So not getting any." 

With a roll of his eyes, he opened the door and exited the house, locking the door behind him once I followed suit. We raced to the car, and laughed the entire way to the movies, not caring if we looked crazy to others. We were having a good time and that was all that mattered. 

Screw everyone else and their judging eyes. 

The diner we decided to eat at was right next to the movies, and it was one of those old themed places where old music played from a juke box. It wasn't a big place, so it wasn't crowded with annoying people like most places. 

"I'm so glad that no one's in here taking pictures of you." I stole a fry from Chase's plate and dipped it in my milkshake, moaning at the taste when it hit my tongue. 

He leaned back in the booth, swallowing the bit of food that was in his mouth. "You would think that the news of us would die down already. It's been a couple of months, and yet people are still acting like it's big news." 

I laughed, raising an eyebrow at him. "Chase, the world finding out you guys are bionic is something huge, and it won't die down anytime soon. You three are the first teens with super powers, as some would put it. You guys will be the talk of the town for years, maybe more." 

"Well, what about you?"

"What about me?" 

HIs voice lowered to a whisper. "You're bionic now, Alex. It doesn't bother you that no one knows? You've already been on a mission and saved lives, yet no one has a clue." 

"Chase, I don't want anyone knowing I'm bionic." I replied, my voice reduced to a whisper as well. "If people found out, then I would have people following me around. Unlike Leo, I'm not one for the attention. If I'm being honest, it pisses me off." I finished off my burger as well as my milkshake, resisting the urge to belch like a man in public. 

I only did it in the privacy of my room. 

And everywhere else in the house.

"I just feel bad, that's all." Chase let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair, causing a few strands to stand up in different directions. "Adam, Bree, and I are getting all the attention when you should be getting some of it, too. You're doing what we're doing, and it's not fair that no one acknowledges you."

Life Turned Upside Down (Chase Davenport/ Lab Rats Story) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now