Change of Plans

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Since I'm no longer following the show, I hope you guys won't be surprised at how things will go from now on. And I'm so sorry for how long its taken me to get out a chapter. 

I nervously bit on my lip, my butt planted on the chair in the lab as I waited forDavenport's response. It was as if he was frozen in his spot, unable to move or speak. I had blurted out my plans almost ten minutes ago, and I had yet to hear what he thought. 

He was probably screaming on the inside. 

Finally, after what seemed like forever, he snapped out of it. "What do you mean you're not going?" 

I swallowed nervously. He didn't sound angry...yet. "I mean I can't go. I'll geo leap down there whenever you need me, but I can't go, Mr. Davenport. I can't just drop out of college and forget about my future." 

After the announcement of the Bionic Academy, I had forgotten momentarily about school. I was just so excited about being a mentor that it just slipped my mind. But then my eyes widened in realization and I froze. Dropping out of school was not an option, not when I had a future to think about. Being bionic was great, but it wasn't going to help me establish a career. 

I didn't want to just be known as a bionic hero. 

Or freak in some eyes of society. 

"Alex," he shook his head in disbelief. "We need you to help train the bionic army."

"And I can do that when I have time and on the weekend. But I can't drop out of college, Mr. Davenport. I just can't." I lowered my voice down to a whisper, my voice cracking. "My mom would be so disappointed. I can't let her down." 

She may not have been my birth mother, but she was still my mom. If she were alive, she would want me to finish school, despite my bionic life. I would never be able to live with myself if I just gave that all away. 

Davenport crossed his arms over his chest, releasing a sigh. My heart was hammering beneath my ribcage as I watched him, and I truly believed he was going to say no and demand I go with them to the Bionic Academy. But to my surprise, he gave a nod of his head. "Okay," 

I immediately perked up. "Really?"

"I can't control your life, Alex. I understand that school is important to you." He said. 

I felt my body sag with relief, having been truly worried he would say no. "Thank you, Mr. Davenport."

He smiled warmly. "You're welcome." 

The elevator doors slid open, and Chase walked out, slowing down as he saw Davenport and I. His eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "What's going on?" 

Davenport cleared his throat. "I'll leave you two alone." And with that, he hurried out to give us some privacy. 

He moved closer, leaving about an inch of space between us. "What were you and Davenport talking about?"

I inhaled sharply, biting down on my lower lip. "I'm not going to the Bionic Academy. I'm going back to school." 

His face fell instantly, and I resisted the urge to look away. I hated seeing him look so broken and hurt. But he had to understand why I couldn't go with them. If I wasn't in school, then yeah, I would be going with them to help train other bionics. But I was, and nothing was going to change that. 

"You're what?" he asked brokenly. 

"I'm going back to school." I repeated softly. "I'll help train on the weekends and whenever I'm free, but I'm moving back to New York." 

Life Turned Upside Down (Chase Davenport/ Lab Rats Story) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now