34- Rip Hunter

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Destiny's POV

It's been two months since the showdown with Vandal Savage. Carter took off with Kendra to train her and I am with Leonard and Mick trying to keep them out of trouble. Key word: Trying. I head to S.T.A.R. Labs and find Cisco there.

I say,"Cisco, I need a favor."

He asks,"What's up?"

I reply," I was wondering if you could make me some armor?"

Cisco turns around so quickly, I jump.

He smiles and says,"I thought you'd never ask. Follow me."

We head downstairs and into Cisco's tinkering room. He goes to a closet and opens it. Inside is a beautiful armor outfit just for me.

I say,"You even made it look like Khufu's."

Cisco says,"I thought the warrior part would like that and hopefully won't kill me now."

I smile and say,"Cisco, it's beautiful."

He asks,"Would you mind trying it on?"

I shake my head and soon I have my armor on and it incredible.

I say,"It's lightweight but strong."

Cisco replies,"I used the metal that was in Bird Man's armor to make yours."

I ask,"Are you talking about Carter?"

Cisco nods and I say,"Cisco, this armor is incredible. I actually am afraid to wear it because it will get beat up and it's too pretty to go through that."

Cisco replies,"Don't worry. I'll be sure to polish and buff it every night."

I smile and say,"Cisco, thank you again."

Cisco replies,"No problem. I want my friends alive."

I laugh and he says,"Take it out for a spin. I'll be here."

Just then a buzzer goes off and Cisco sighs,"Looks like your boyfriend is at it again."

I sigh,"Where now?"

Cisco says," 68th and Terrance."

I sigh,"Damn him!"

I run outside past Jay and Caitlin. My wings burst from my back and I jump into the air. I soar high above the city and see Snart and Mick get in a van. I op the side door and get inside.

I ask,"What the hell are you two doing?"

Snart looks at me and says," I'm getting us money."

I sigh and say,"There's these things called jobs."

Snart says,"Not gonna happen sweetheart."

I sigh and look at the window.

I exclaim,"Watch out!"

There's a man in the road and suddenly there's a white light and then darkness.

I wake up on a rooftop next to Leonard and Carter.

I ask,"What the hell happened?"

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