31-Waking Up to Khufu

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I sit up gasping after the dream I had. I was flying and I had seen feathers and felt strong arms around me. I sit up with a groan as my muscles protested at the motions. After a series of pops and stretches, I got off my bed and went into the bathroom. I get showered and brush my teeth.

I get dressed in a pair of black jeans with rips, a black tank top, black leather jacket, and black ankle boots. I straighten my hair and I do my eye makeup. I put red Chapstick on and leave the house.

Barry left a note saying he has the babies. I had passed Leonard and Constantine passed out in the living room before I left and I wonder why Joe let him stay in the house. I walk down an alley and two masked figures surround me.

I say,"I suggest you move out of my way."

They laugh and one grabs my arms. I jump flipping over the man. I center punch the guy in the back and he collides with the other man. I glare at them and they charge at me. I jump wrapping my legs around the first guy and drop to the ground. He lands behind me and I nip up. I roundhouse kick the other guy and the first guy gets me in a headlock.

The second figure comes towards me and I jump shoving the heel of my boot into his face. He drops to the ground unconscious and I head butt the other guy in the nose making him let me go. I knock him down and wrap my legs around his neck. He struggles against me and I growl squeezing tighter.

A voice says,"Let him go, Destiny."

I look up to see Constantine and Leonard. I punch the guy into unconsciousness and unwrap my legs. I jump up and take off running. I follow the invisible rope that's pulling me in a certain direction. I stop outside a rundown home. A beam of cold flows past me and I turn to find Leonard Snart there with Constantine.

I say,"I will not leave without finishing what needs to be done."

I burst through the door to find him.

He exclaims,"What the hell! You're supposed to be dead!"

I reply,"Next time, stay to see the job through."

I do a roundhouse kick to him and he drops to the ground and I am on top of him in one second. I punch him continuously.

I growl,"Murdering people for your own sick pleasure!"

I punch him again and say,"This is what you get for murdering my parents."

I feel someone trying to pull me off of him and I rip away from them continuing my attack on the man. When I feel the anger and lust for retribution go away, I realize I have killed him.

I get up and look at the man who murdered my parents and I. I scream out my anger and drop to my knees. I am panting and Leonard kneels next to me.

I say,"He's the reason I died. The reason I am what I am."

Leonard asks,"What is that?"

I reply,"A broken freak."

Leonard lifts my head up and captures my lips in a kiss and I am shocked by the action. I kiss him back and we get up. We walk out of the run down home and I take out my phone about to call Barry. Something swoops down and grabs me. My phone drops from my hand as I am lifted into the air.

I scream and suddenly something flaps by my ear. I look to find a wing. Scratch that wings. The wings are connected to a person. I pull back and look at the person who's connected to the wings. I am met by familiar eyes but the face is covered by a mask. We start to descend and I look to find us in the country.

I ask,"Who are you?"

He replies,"You know me."

He takes the helmet off and I gasp as the images flash past my eyes.

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