Doors and knobs

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She tried to pull the knob, but someone already pulled it from the other side, she was just coming to the office and he was leaving, a total stranger she never saw before since she joined the firm.

He could be a new client, maybe, or a friend to Elliot.His face was diamond shaped, designed by god to show off his mastery, a very strong jaw line.He had a strong body, his wrists were really strong, means he was really strong not just a perfectly beautiful frame of ABS.

His hair was perfect, his suit, the way he was carrying it, his tie everything was perfect. 

His face was expressionless. He was looking away, did not notice her at all and left. It itched a little inside, she was not accustomed to this, guys used to notice her..............always. 

Anyways, she jerked the feeling of rejection and moved on. New day, new life. But wait, everything was upside down in the office today, every file was tossed and turned.

She looked at the clock, it was 7 in the morning, she came really early today, she thought she would go to the gym in the building before office today, but someone had entered the premises almost five hours before her,checked everything and left , what a dedication to work.


 she had taught herself to love her work more than anything, but someone was more dedicated than her.

Her desk was a mess, she looked into drawer,yes........... It was open. She used to keep her personal belongings there, tampons, chocolates, diva cup and her drawings.

It was always locked , only she had a key . She made it very clear to Eliot at the very first day of joining that none will open it in her absence and he did not make any objection . But today , all limits were crossed . That stranger broke it .

How dare he ?

Who he thinks he is ?

Her diary, drawings, everything was there, nothing seemed to be touched. 

Someone who opened it,immediately realized what the drawer was hiding. 

She pushed it back.

That mystery stranger had done it . 

But she decided to take her frustration on Elliot , her boss .

 They both were friends since a long long time,when she was just a barista, he used to come to her coffee shop in the morning . 

They became really good friends, he urged her to take some audit classes too . She took his advice and after finishing her course, joined his firm as a junior trainee .

Elliot was sitting on his chair with his head on the table .


He looked up , he was really upset . 

Ok , This is not the day to take her frustration out at Eliot , may be some other day ..

she changed her mind , soften her voice a little ,opened her clenched fists .

''what happened ?''


He tried to pull a poker face but she noticed his lashes were wet a little .

''i just saw some guy .......he looked a lot like you ''

''yes , he is my brother ''

''aw ...'' She could not think of anything that could make sense in that situation .

''sweet '' she muttered after a very long pause .

She did not know what to say , Elliot moved from his chair to leave the office but turned to her .

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