Chapter 9

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hello I have updated again   :)

I hpe you like this chapter and please dont forget to vote and comment :)


Walking out of class I couldn’t help but feel slightly peeved, both Rainbow and Valery kept going on and on about Blake and how he is totally in to me. I know he kept looking at me during class, but that couldn’t mean he liked me..right?

I shook my head at these thoughts; he’s probably just a creep. At least I hope it’s just because he’s a creep, having a werewolf like me was never really a good idea, especially when I was probably going to kill him soon.

This brings me to my next problem. From what I can tell there are about 20 students here at school who are werewolves, there’s got to be more in their whole pack then. This means I can’t just kill them when I come across them alone, that would cause a big problem as the whole pack would be after me then.

I cleared my head of all the thinking as it was giving me a headache. I would think about it later.


The walk home was nice. I loved the way the sunlight filtered through the trees, making the red gold leaves shine. I wasn’t one of those cushy nature loving people, but there was something about the colours of autumn always managed to shock me. I think it is because the red, orange and gold of the leaves and because the sunset always seemed more strong and colourful in autumn.  


As I stepped through the door I could tell that something wasn’t right. I couldn’t hear Walter’s usual gumpy footsteps or the horrible screeching of Sasha’s singing.

As a matter of fact the house felt empty.

Thinking that both Sasha and Walter were out with friends I decided to go to the gym to do a bit of training. 

I also decided to bring a silver knife and a gun loaded with silver bullets. You never know when you going to need it, that was one saying I’m pretty sure every werewolf hunter in the world knows.

I also decided to leave Clare a not saying where I was going, she was such a nice foster mother I did not want to worry her like every other foster parent I had.


Walking to the gym the sun was just going behind the clouds and the air was getting cooler, but it was nice and fresh. There were a few cars now heading home from work and people rushing home too.

As I walked in to the gym I had to stop myself from heaving. It was like my nose was just sucker punched with the smell of stinky old sweat from the gym members.

I loved this gym, despite its smell. It was old and crappy looking but filled with serious gym people, not just rich snobs who only went to keep up their image.

Nodding to the receptionist I walked into the actual training area. In one corner there were a bunch of well worn punching bags, in another corner there were loads of bulky gym machines that were used so much that the treadmill’s slow was fast and fast was slow. But the prize possession of the gym was sitting right in the middle, a giant white and red boxing platform, with its thick white and red ropes around it polished to shine it was obvious that it was the most favoured object of the gym. There were parts of the boxing ring that were patched up from overuse, the owner John hated getting rid of the boxing ring, he said it was because this ring was where he won his first fight. I didn’t mind though, it gave the place a vintage and well used look.

I felt a hard clamp on my shoulder, turning my head slightly I saw Brian. Brian was a hugely muscled guy in his mid forties; he was one of the gyms best boxers and with giant cuts to prove it, he was pretty intimidating. But outside the ring he was a giant teddy bear.

 Well that what I’ve been told anyway, since I just moved here and everything. The other day, my first day here, John told me all about the gym and the main people who use it.

“So you’re the new girl here” Brian stated, trying to sound scary.

“Yea” I nodded pulling myself out of his grip.

A sly smile crossed his lips, “how bout we see what you’re made of” he said jerking his thumb towards the boxing ring.

I nodded a huge grin spreading across my face; the guy had another thing coming if he thought I was going to be an easy fight.  

I went over to the cupboard which held all the boxing gear in it. I pulled out a pair of cruddy looking boxing gloves; chucking them back in the cupboard I grabbed a new pair. This new pair wasn’t as bad as the first but they still looked well worn but it would have to do. Deciding to leave the mouth guard I walked towards the boxing ring where Brian was standing.

“Ready?” he asked gruffly

I nodded my head and stepped up to the platform.

I could see a crowd of people gathering, probably to watch the new girl get beaten by the big Brian.

A guy with a whistle came to stand in the middle of the ring, after explaining the ruled he blew the whistle.

Brian and I started moving towards each other, each one circling the other. I watched both his legs and arms to see which side he would strike from. The muscles in his right arm tensed, I jumped to his other side as he swung his right arm out toward my face. A surprised look crossed his face but it was soon masked with concentration and determination.

It went on like this for a while, him swinging and me dodging. Every now and then he would get a hit on me but I barely felt any of it though. I noticed that I was beginning to wear him down as his swings got a little more off target and didn’t pack the same punch as before.  

I decided to end it quickly so I sent a hard punch to his jaw; while he was distracted I kicked the leg that he had most of his weight on. This caused him to fall to the ground letting out a gasp of air.

The referee let out a loud shrill whistle signalling the end of the fight.

Brian smiled at me from the ground, I grinned back offering my hand to help him up.

As he got up he clapped me on the back, “well done kiddo, you sure do pack quite a punch for someone so small”

I just smiled and ignored the comment about my size, I was too happy about winning a fight to care.

“Yea I thought you were never going to hit him” a random guy from the crowd said.

“you did real good today” Brain smiled as he was stepping down from the ring .

“Ha yea for someone who got knocked out in gym today, I think I did pretty well”

John took my gloves off me and gave me a bottle of water “you know you shouldn’t be fighting if you have recently had a huge injury” he said looking concerned.

I nodded my head, a fuzzy feeling started in my stomach at the sight of some of the gym members concern.

Looking at the clock I noticed that it was getting late. “shoot, sorry guys I’ve got to go”

Lots of people waved me goodbye as I left the building. A warm feeling of acceptance washed over me as I began to make my way home.


I was halfway home when I came across an old warehouse. The lingering smell of werewolves surrounded the building in a hazy cloud.

I heard a muffled sound from inside made me look through the cracked window. In the middle of the dark warehouse I could make out the silhouette of someone tied to a chair. They were wriggling around trying to break free from the ropes.

From where I was standing I could see they were defiantly a guy, as they had wide shoulders. I could also see they were tall and skinny.

It was when the sunlight caught their red hair, I realised who they mystery person was.......Walter!

I have to go and save him!     

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