Chapter 19

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hey. sorry I haven't uploaded in 2 weeks but I wasnt able to get enough time on the computer before my 'lovley' {sarcasm} brother took it off me.

But as a presenter would say...."on with the show!"

hope you like it and dont forget to vote and comment! :)


+++Blake POV+++

Oh my god! I just stuttered, now she’s going to think I’m a looser! I can’t have my mate thinking that I’m a looser, I just can’t!

“Okay, I’ll be off to bed then” Evangeline after a couple of seconds.

I sighed and flopped onto the couch, “Goodnight”

“Yea you too” she yawned stretching her arms up in the air; this caused her shirt to lift up a bit.

I couldn’t help but to stare at the little bit of skin that was being exposed now. Shaking my head of the dirty thoughts now forming in my head, I rolled over to face the back of the couch so I didn’t have the temptation facing me.

After a couple of excruciating seconds I heard my angel climb into bed.

Damn how much would I like to share that bed with her.

All night Evangeline kept tossing and turning in her bed. It was making me worried, what happened to her while she was held captive?

I was beginning to wonder if I should go over and check if she was alright when I heard quiet sniffles coming from her. Without a second thought I jumped off the couch and ran over to where my angel was sitting on the bed crying.

“Hush, hush. What’s wrong?”  I said wrapping my arms around her shaking body.

She didn’t answer so I just sat there with her in my arms trying to soothe her.

After a while she lifted her tear streaked face to look at me, her eyes were puffy and red but she still looked beautiful to me.

“All m-my life I’ve been ki-killing my own kind” my angel said hiccupping slightly.

I pulled my head back to look her face on “What are you talking about?”

“When I knocked over those papers before in that house I f-found one that had my parents name on it and mine. It s-said that they were both shifters, that my father was a lion shifter and that my mother was a rare snow leopard shifter.”

“Oh” I said unsure of what to say

“That means I’m a shifter too, doesn’t it?” She asked, eyes wide.

I took a deep breath wondering how to say this nicely, she was obviously scared, “Yes you would be if both your parents were”

Evangeline hung her head, more tears streaking down her cheeks. All of a sudden her head snapped up, “Then why haven’t I shifted yet?”

“I don’t know” I said puzzled “maybe because you have been denying yourself the chance to accept shifters, and so because of that you haven’t been able to shift. I know it’s happened before. But now that you know what you truly are you’re probably going to have your first shift soon”     

Evangeline’s eyes grew wide and filled with fear. I was scared for her too, the first shift was always the most painful and it would be even worse for her because she’s shifted late.

“I- I’m scared” she cried burying her face in my chest.

I held my angel close rocking back and forth, trying to get her to sleep.

After a while quiet snores replaced her sniffling. I laid her down onto the pillow and got myself comfortable too.  I would not leave her side tonight!


 The morning’s sun flitted through the curtains warming my face.

I looked down at the sleeping angel in my arms. She must have felt me looking at her because she began to stir.

“Umm I’m sorry about breaking down on you last night” she said her voice thick from sleep and probably from crying.

“Na it’s all right”

We sat in silence for a couple of minutes.

“Blake?” Evangeline asked turning to face me


“What does this mean” she asked after taking a deep breath and putting her hand on my arm.

  I was too distracted by the tingles shooting through my arms to concentrate, “What?” I finally managed to choke out.

“this feeling I get whenever I’m around you, I feel …I don’t know safe? When I’m around you and this tingling feeling I get when I touch you. Do you feel it too?”

I felt a surge of happiness swell inside me. I wanted to run onto the roof top and shout for joy. But really I just looked at my angel, my mate and nodded, “This feeling you get, I also feel it too. It’s because we’re mates”

Evangeline looked confused “What are mates?” she asked looking at me with wide eyes.

“Mates are a shifters term for soul mates. Every shifter has a soul mate, another half of them. Soul mates just means that we are two halves of one soul. It also means once you find your mate you don’t want to ever be away from them”

Evangeline leapt back in shock. I frowned Did she not want me as a mate?

She seemed to notice my sad face because she climbed back onto the bed, “Sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you feelings then. It’s just that this is a lot to take in”   

This made me feel better, I know I would help her through this “I don’t want to rush you” I said completely honest “But I want you to know that I will always be there for you, no matter what”

She nodded her head understanding “Thanks. I guess that explains why you came to save me and also why you didn’t attack me back in the warehouse. Which reminds me, why did you kidnap Walter?”

I smiled sheepishly, “well we thought he was the hunter”

This made Evangeline laugh so much tears were forming in her eyes, “Have you actually seen Walter? How could you think he was a werewolf hunter?”

“Yea” I laughed a bit too “Sounds ridiculous now. But I never thought that you, my own mate, could be a hunter”

“well I guess you were wrong”

I nodded my head sadly

“Well I guess that makes a first, you know, you being wrong” She said trying to lighten the mood

I chuckled a bit, “Yea”

“Well I guess we better get on the way again” Evangeline said jumping out of bed and heading towards the bathroom.

I climbed out shortly after.

Here goes for another day on the road.

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