Chapter 15

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yipee another chapter!

so I dont have much to say but...enjoy reading and dont forget to vote and comment, plz I'll love you alot if you do :)


I saw my life flash before my eyes, my once happy childhood, my parents death, moving from foster home to foster home, I saw it all. But one image kept coming back....Blake. I kept seeing images of his face, of him carrying me into the nurse’s office and even of his cocky grin when I first met him.

Just as I thought my life was about to end the window beside me was smashed open. A giant black wolf pounced into the room snarling. The wolf jumped on the guy that was lunging towards me. I closed my eyes as the sound of growling and tearing flesh filled my ears. The sound of the two fighting wolves continued for ages, until I felt the guy who had been holding me grip me tighter. I let out a small whimper as his fingers dug deeper into my skin; I knew there would be bruises there later.


The guy holding me was beginning to drag me away when I felt him being ripped away from me. I opened my eyes to see the black wolf attacking him. The guy who was originally going to kill me got up from his spot on the floor, now in the form of a rust coloured wolf; he was starting to walk towards me like an animal stalking its prey. With every step he took forward I took a step back until I was pressed flat against the wall. It was then that I knew I was going to die, die by the hands of my parent’s murderer.

I turned my head to look at the black wolf, silently pleading for it to help me. I had never felt this helpless the thought of it brought tears to my eyes. I think the black wolf realised I was in trouble as it took one swift swipe at the wolf it was attacking and killed it. It then pounced on the wolf stalking me and once again they were engaged in a big fight with both of them growling and swiping at each other.  It was black wolf against rusty red wolf, a fight to the death.

After what seemed like ages the black wolf had the red one’s neck in his teeth. The black wolf jerked his head causing a loud crack to fill the room, the red wolf then slumped to the ground after the black one let it go.

After a quick look around, I realised all of the others had run away. Now that the danger was gone I could feel myself shaking in shock, I could also feel tears streaking out of my eyes. The black wolf turned its eyes towards me, its eyes travelled over my body I think it was checking if I was alright. It was then that I saw its cloudy grey eyes, eyes that were so familiar.

“You” I whispered once I realised that it was the same wolf that stopped all the other wolves from attacking when I was in the old warehouse. “Who are you? And why do you keep saving me?”

The wolf turned its head to the side, the turned away and started walking into a different room.

“Hey” I shouted about to go after it. That was until I saw who emerged from the door.

There standing right in front of me, in just a pair of boxers, was Blake. “B-b-but, you. And how. But what?” I said unable to form a sentence

“hush” Blake held up his hands, trying to reassure me. 

I took a step back in shock. This resulted in me knocking over a small wooden table littered with papers.  I planned on leaving the papers on the ground but a picture of a family caught my eye.

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