One last time.

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"So that's it huh?" You asked as your brother finished the story. "Yep, it was pretty tragic if you ask me, hm" Deidara described. He placed his hand on your head and patted you. "Okay, now that I know the truth can I go back to Itachi and the others?" You asked. Deidara looked at you with a 'hell no' face.

 "Why do you think about that? I'm still mad at you" he answered. "Mad at me? For what?" You shrieked. "At the fact that you spent the night at Itachi's without asking me." Deidara said folding his arms. "I didn't insist he saved me from those girls who were bullying me." You confessed. "YOU WERE BULLIED AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME??!?!?!" He freaked.

 "Why is it a big deal? And besides Itachi is very sweet to me and the others" you tried to convince him "hey, did you know that Obito has two split personalities, Madara has a younger brother and Shisui can teleport?" "Did you know that I don't care?" Deidara sarcastically asks. "(Y/n) I don't care who they are or what they can do I just want you with us for a bit." He says. "Why, so you can kiss Sasori in front of me too" you said sarcastically. "Ew, gross No! Just to spend some time together." He answered.

 You were furious that your brother couldn't let you come see Itachi to make sure that he's okay. "It's not fair why can't I go and see Itachi, I want to know that he's okay" you told him. "NO (Y/N) NOW STOP ASKING ABOUT ITACHI DAMMIT!" He shouted back. Izumi flew into the room worried about what might happen to you with Deidara. "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS DO THIS TO ME!" You fussed. "You can't do this, you can't do that what can I do?" 

"You can stay with us, like you should"

"But it is so boring here. And since our ancestors were enemies we might as well be enemies too"

"Don't you dare say such crap!"

"Izumi help me out here, please" you cried. Your older sister didn't know what to do. She wanted to help you but she was afraid what Deidara might do since he is the oldest out of the three and she is aware of his temper towards others. "(Y/n), please listen to your brother. He's right" she said. You felt like one of Deidara's clay bombs exploded in your heart in a heartbeat.

 You felt like you wanred to cry but you held it in trying to win strong. "Of course you would be on Deidara's side. And to think that you would always come through." You blurted. Izumi stepped closer so she can reason with you. "(Y/n), please understand, it wasn't what you thought it was." She spoke to you. "Oh, really then what was it?" You growled." I was set up, Sasori set me u----"

 "How Izumi? The pictures of him in your purse the arm embrace you gave him, the kiss saying that you made the first move all of that pointed to you." You barked not letting Izumi finish. You charged after her ready to beat her until Deidara hold you back 4 feet away from her  "(Y/n) please let me finish, I am your sister, I promised you I wouldn't betray you." Izumi continued "Sasori set me up, he wanted all this." 

"LIES, everything both of you say is a lie. You broke your promise just like the other times you did." You cried. "Besides, I'm not your real sister so you are in no position to use 'I am you sister' as an excuse." Deidara pushed you back by the shoulders and knocked you down to the floor. "(Y/N), PLEASE STOP WE JUST WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY" Deidara confirmed. "Then let me see Itachi right now." You said as you stood up back to your feet. "WHY ARE YOU SO HUNG UP ON ITACHI?" Deidara asked in a loud voice.

 "MAYBE I LOVE HIM AND I WANT TO BE WITH HIM!" You confessed. Right away Deidara punched you in the face so hard, you fell to the ground. You put your right hand over your mouth which was oozing with blood. Your brother saw what he had done with a shocked look on his face. He lowered himself to you to see if he had really done that much damage. "Don't you dare touch me" you warned "if you want me to be miserable then fine." 

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